Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind is the most Power Rangers video game out of many previous releases. The upcoming action game has features that make a big difference compared to previous titles found on various platforms. Although there has been some great content, most video games forget the qualities that make Power Rangers unique. From varied combat to multiplayer, there are many reasons why the latest game from Digital Eclipse makes a difference.
Rita’s Rewind is the latest Beat Em’ Up action game in the Ranger franchise. This is one of the first console and PC games since Battle for the Grid in 2019. Developed by Digital Eclipse, the pixel art style game will bring 90s nostalgia as players take on the role of the original team. The game also features an abundance of unique challenges and locations from the series, including Robo Rita as part of the story from the 30th anniversary special released on Netflix.
How Rita’s Rewind is a True Power Rangers Game

There have been many video games in the franchise over the years, including releases for different seasons. However, many games fail to captivate the mixture that forms the Power Rangers formula truly. For this reason, many Power Rangers video games can’t be truly labeled as such. Here is why the upcoming release from Digital Eclipse is a closer match to how Power Rangers games should be.
Rangers, Zords, Megazords

Much like any Power Ranger series, the formula is clearly defined in every episode of each season. This is something that many Power Rangers video games haven’t been able to capture due to lack of combination. Whether a fighter or a Dinozord RPG, many games are just video games with Rangers in them. Rita’s Rewind differs as it includes Rangers, Zords, and Megazords in separate pieces of the gameplay.
Along with diverse combat instances, the game has also teased Zord combat and Megazord battles. This includes the player getting the Zord of the Ranger they select, with the details of multiplayer for Megazords still to be confirmed. As there are many fight scenes and themed encounters teased, if both the Zords and Megazord battles are a common feature then this game will be closer to a Power Rangers game than any before it.
Multiplayer Highlights Teaming Up

Teamwork is a vital part of the concept, which this game includes thanks to the genre. The drop-in feature also allows players the best of both worlds so they can still play the game alone. However, fighting as a team is an important feature of any game, which is hard to achieve with certain platforms. The latest video games often focus on the combat aspect, causing this element to be neglected.
The greatest part about Rita’s Rewind is that this is carried out in every instance of the game. So instead of just combat as a Ranger, more players mean more Zords are also used for these scenarios that take place. There is also a lot to encourage multiplayer as there is a great abundance of challenges, including vehicle combat instead of just melee fighting throughout a city. If the Megazord combat has defined roles for multiplayer, this game could become the standard for Ranger video games.
There is only 1 Aspect Missing

No matter how many years have passed, there is one feature that is still forgotten about by many video games. Morphin into a Ranger is the one concept that is often left out of the experience, with very little including the characters that comprise the story. Only Super Samurai includes the Morphin sequence for the Wii version of the game, but one of the best is an early example. The 1994 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers game on the Super Nintendo had the Rangers fighting unmorphed until the monster appeared.
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It’s crazy to think that after so many years, this main feature that every fan always performs has never become a main feature of any game. This could have been a easy fix by using the Energy-to-Morph concept like the TTRPG, Hyperforce. It is the only missing element to Rita’s Rewind that has mostly gone unnoticed due to lack of expectations. Until a Power Rangers game includes every piece of the Morphin Grid, these titles will always simply be “video games with Power Rangers in them”.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind will be coming in late 2024, with the release date to be revealed. More news and reveals expected to debut upon the confirmation of the release date.
About Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind

Release Date: TBA (Late 2024)
Developer: Digital Eclipse
Publisher: Digital Eclipse
Platforms: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S|X, PC (Steam), Nintendo Switch
Genre: Beat ‘Em Up, Action
Synopsis: In Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind, the team faces off against a robotic reincarnation of the Power Rangers’ long-time nemesis. Robo-Rita has conjured a portal to send herself back in time so she can finally vanquish the Power Rangers by forming an alliance with her younger self. Working together, Robo-Rita and Rita Repulsa rewind, rewrite and remix the past in an attempt to stop the very formation of the Power Rangers, altering the course of history.
What do you think of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind? Do you think this is closer to a Power Rangers Game? Do you think the “video games with Power Rangers” titles are a problem for the franchise? Let us know on social media and keep following The Illuminerdi for more Power Rangers content.
Source: Digital Eclipse, YouTube, MMPR (SNES)
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