
A QUIET PLACE: DAY ONE Review – A Breathtaking Experience

A QUIET PLACE: DAY ONE is a breathtaking horror film that conducts the audience like an orchestra
A Quiet Place: Day One Review

A Quiet Place: Day One is a breathtaking addition to the apocalyptic horror genre, masterfully directed by Michael Sarnoski. This film powerfully utilizes the dichotomy of silence and loudness to create a gripping and immersive experience that will have audiences holding their breath and sitting at the edge of their seats. It’s an exemplary testament to how sound can drive and enhance emotion, tension, and horror, making it a must-see for fans of the franchise and newcomers alike.

Mastery of Sound

A Quiet Place: Day One Review
Lupita Nyong’o as “Samira” in A Quiet Place: Day One from Paramount Pictures.

From the first scene to the last, A Quiet Place: Day One leverages sound design as a core storytelling tool. The film’s clever use of silence and sudden bursts of noise not only heightens the tension but also engages the audience in a visceral way.

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The moments of silence are profound, making even the slightest sound feel like a thunderclap, while the sudden loud noises during alien attacks are jarring and terrifying. This soundscape creates a sensory experience that draws viewers deeply into the narrative, making them feel the same fear and anxiety as the characters.

Outstanding Performances

A Quiet Place: Day One Review
Lupita Nyong’o as “Samira” and Joseph Quinn as “Eric” in A Quiet Place: Day One from Paramount Pictures.

The performances in A Quiet Place: Day One are nothing short of stellar, particularly those of Lupita Nyong’o and Joseph Quinn. Nyong’o, who plays Sam, conveys an incredible range of emotions with minimal dialogue. Her poignant and striking stares speak volumes, capturing the essence of her character’s strength and vulnerability. Nyong’o’s portrayal is both moving and powerful, making her a standout in the film.

Joseph Quinn, who plays Eric, also delivers a remarkable performance. He perfectly embodies a character who is both resilient and traumatized, adding depth to the film’s emotional landscape. The chemistry between Quinn and Nyong’o is palpable, enhancing the story’s emotional impact.

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Djimon Hounsou and Alex Wolff provide excellent support with their memorable characters, despite their limited screen time. Hounsou’s portrayal of Henri is particularly noteworthy, as he brings a sense of gravitas and urgency to his role. Wolff’s character, Reuben, adds a layer of humanity and compassion that further enriches the narrative and sets the stakes and tone for the film.

Intimate Character Story

A Quiet Place: Day One Review
Lupita Nyong’o as “Samira” in A Quiet Place: Day One from Paramount Pictures.

John Krasinski and Michael Sarnoski deserve high praise for crafting a wonderfully intimate character story within the chaotic backdrop of an alien invasion. The film focuses on the personal journeys of its characters, exploring universal themes of survival, hope, and sacrifice, but also more under represented themes of personal fulfillment and stubbornness/steadfastness. This character-driven approach makes the horror elements more impactful, as viewers become deeply invested in the characters’ fates.

The setting of New York City is creatively used to enhance the story, though it’s worth noting that the city’s scale feels somewhat underutilized. While there are some great situations and beautiful character connections to the city, the narrative could have taken place in any city with a few tall buildings. This minor critique does not detract from the film’s overall enjoyment but does highlight a missed opportunity to fully leverage the iconic setting of New York.

A Unique Theatrical Experience

A Quiet Place: Day One Review
Joseph Quinn as “Eric” and Lupita Nyong’o as “Samira” in A Quiet Place: Day One from Paramount Pictures.

The creative team behind A Quiet Place: Day One has struck a perfect balance in teasing more about the alien invaders. They provide just enough information to satisfy the audience’s curiosity while leaving plenty of mystery to maintain suspense. This approach keeps viewers engaged and eager for more, without overwhelming them with unnecessary exposition.

Where A Quiet Place: Day One truly shines is in the theatrical experience. The film’s expert use of sound makes it essential to watch in a setting with a top-notch audio system. Personally, I recommend experiencing it in a Dolby at AMC theater to fully appreciate the sound design. The varying sounds cause different members of the audience to react, creating a collective experience where viewers are conducted like an orchestra by the film itself.


The silence allows you to feel the tension and hear the involuntary sounds of fear from other audience members, enhancing the overall experience. To be direct, the film scared the fart out of people, and you’ll hear it – which is funny and makes for a great movie-going experience.

Minor Critiques

A Quiet Place: Day One Review
Alex Wolff as “Reuben” in A Quiet Place: Day One from Paramount Pictures.

While A Quiet Place: Day One is a thoroughly enjoyable film, it does have a couple of minor flaws. The narrative is quite linear, to the point of being predictable. This doesn’t take away from the film’s enjoyment but might limit its longevity in viewers’ minds.

Additionally and again, the setting of New York, though visually compelling, feels underutilized. The story’s emotional beats and character arcs could have been further enhanced by more distinct and impactful use of the city’s iconic landscape. Thought there is some character connection to certain Burroughs, the film feels it could take place in any other city and still be the same exact film.

A Truly Great Theatrical Experience

A Quiet Place: Day One Review
Djimon Hounsou as “Henri”, Lupita Nyong’o as “Samira” and Alex Wolff as “Reuben” in A Quiet Place: Day One from Paramount Pictures.

A Quiet Place: Day One is a masterfully crafted film that excels in using sound to drive and enhance its narrative. The strong performances, particularly by Lupita Nyong’o and Joseph Quinn, elevate the film, making it a powerful and emotional journey.

Despite its predictability and underutilized setting, the film delivers on all fronts, providing a thoroughly gripping and enjoyable experience. It’s a testament to the creative team’s skill and a fantastic addition to the A Quiet Place franchise. If you’re looking for a film that combines intense horror with profound emotional depth, A Quiet Place: Day One is a must-watch.

I give A Quiet Place: Day One a point for every day of the week, so a


A Quiet Place: Day One releases in theaters on June 28, 2024.

About A Quiet Place: Day One

A Quiet Place Day One - poster

Release Date: June 28, 2024
Director: Michael Sarnoski
Screenplay: Michael Sarnoski and John Krasinski (Story)
Executive Producers: Allyson Seeger, Vicki Dee Rock
Producers: Michael Bay, Andrew Form, Brad Fuller, and John Krasinski
Production: Platinum Dunes, Sunday Night Productions, Paramount Pictures
Distribution: Paramount Pictures
Cast: Lupita Nyong’o, Joseph Quinn, Alex Wolff, and Djimon Hounsou

Synopsis: Experience the day the world went quiet. Don’t let them hear you scream.

Do you have your tickets to A Quiet Place: Day One? Are you excited to experience how the loudest city in the world goes quiet? Would you try to keep your pet if the world was invaded by sound-tracking aliens? Let us know what you think on social media!

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Picture of Kevin Fenix

Kevin Fenix

Professional Nerd | Amateur Human | Creative/Content Director The best way to describe Kevin Fenix is the kid you never tell what the buttons do in video games so you have a chance to win. Being 6’ 4” and Asian, he never really fit in, so he got comfortable standing out. Not only is it easy to find him in crowds, he dabbles in the culinary arts, does a little stand up and improv, and can honestly say Spider-Man is the Jesus-like influence of his life. Kevin Fenix loves dogs, movies, television, comics, comedy, and to shoot people… with video.