Drew McIntyre Reveals What He Hates About CM Punk & John Cena

Former WWE Champion Drew McIntyre recently shared why he hates these two big-name WWE Superstars, CM Punk and John Cena. McIntyre has not held back on calling people out on how they have treated him in the past.
WWE Drew McIntyre

Former WWE Champion Drew McIntyre recently shared why he hates these two big-name WWE Superstars, CM Punk and John Cena. McIntyre has not held back on calling people out on how they have treated him in the past. Unlike most people, Drew McIntyre gets to meet them in the ring and beat the living hell out of them and get cheered for it. We all know about his hate for CM Punk, but he recently revealed he hates John Cena just as much, if not more.

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On a recent episode of The Masked Man Show, Drew McIntyre showed that his hatred of CM Punk hasn’t subsided at all. He revealed that one of the things that he hates the most about Punk is that he calls himself a professional wrestler. McIntyre stated the following:

“The thing that drives me most crazy is that he goes around masquerading, calling himself a professional wrestler. That actually pisses me off, to be honest. It invokes names like Harley Race, Ric Flair, Ricky Steamboat. Punk took nine years off. He sat on his arse and did nothing.

“… He went away. He’s been living on the Pipe Bomb for years, living on the feud with Cena, he’s smart and maximized and became a big star. Nostalgia is a hell of a thing. He’s been gone for all this time. This legend has been created. He’s no longer a professional wrestler. He’s an attraction. There is nothing wrong with being an attraction, we need attractions, but don’t f***ing say you’re a professional wrestler if you’re not a professional wrestler. I’m a professional wrestler.” H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription

WWE Drew McIntyre
Courtesy Of WWE

Punk left WWE in 2014 and began training for a fight in the UFC. He was hardly sitting at home and doing nothing. He ended up having two fights in the UFC. In 2021 Punk returned to wrestling and began wrestling for WWE’s rival, AEW. In September 2023 he was fired from AEW and made his way back to WWE. At Survivor Series 2023, Punk made his return to WWE and it didn’t take long for a feud to develop with McIntyre.


In January in the Royal Rumble match Punk was injured by McIntyre and it was McIntyre’s reaction that started the feud. McIntyre announced to the RAW crowd that he had prayed for that injury to happen.

Since then Drew McIntyre and Punk have been going back and forth in attacking each other and Punk costing McIntyre matches and championship opportunities. Their last big battle was at SummerSlam earlier this month. However, their next match will be a Strap match next Saturday, August 31, at Bash in Berlin.

WWE CM Punk and Drew McIntyre
Courtesy Of WWE

McIntyre’s hate for Punk is understandable. Punk is an abrasive and controversial guy. A lot of people hate Punk and McIntyre is far from the only guy who would like to beat him to a pulp. However, McIntyre also shared his hate for one of the best babyfaces of all time and a generally loved and respected Superstar, John Cena. Cena had previously announced that 2025 will be the year he retires, with his retirement tour kicking off in January

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McIntyre wants to be a part of that retirement tour since he has some unfinished business with Cena. McIntyre explained that he will do whatever it takes to have a match with Cena and give him a world-class beating on his way out. He said on John Cena:

“I don’t know if I’m figured into the plans, but I guarantee I’ll be pushing and nudging them left and right to make it happen. The amount of stories I have about [CM] Punk and things that happened when I was younger, I have ten fold on him [John Cena]. There has never been a one-on-one match. If I have to drive management crazy, I’ll drive them crazy. I’ll drive John crazy. I’m going to get that match. I’ll tear him apart. On the microphone, which not many people can do. In the ring. Send him packing, happy retirement. Hopefully, Punk along with him.” H/T Wrestling Inc.

WWE John Cena and Solo Sikoa
Courtesy Of WWE

There haven’t been any announced matches as to who will be on Cena’s retirement tour. However, names like Randy Orton and Punk have been brought in with the hopes fans will get to see one last match.

Do you think CM Punk is allowed to call himself a professional wrestler? Is there anyone wrestling in WWE who doesn’t get to call themselves a professional wrestler? Do you think Punk is living off the Pipe Bomb promo or does he still have it? Would you like to see Drew McIntyre face John Cena? Let us know on social media who you think is a must-see matchup for Cena’s retirement tour.

SOURCE: Wrestling Inc., The Masked Man Show, Wrestling Inc.

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Robert Watson

Just a guy reading comics, watching wrestling, and wondering if aliens exist