On June 5th, we return to 1984. Wonder Woman 1984 releases into theaters this summer and Entertainment Weekly has the inside scoop about the film with their next magazine issue.
The upcoming sequel takes place in 1984, during the height of the Cold War, Director Patty Jenkins elaborated on that and said:
It was a time where no cost had shown up yet. There was the fear of the Cold War. But it really was like, ‘This is gonna go on forever!’ The feeling that the world was this cornucopia that would never stop giving was so enormous.
Where is Steve Trevor?

We see in this new film that Diana Prince, aka Wonder Woman, is now working at the Natural History Museum in DC and she’s still mourning the death of Steve Trevor. Executive Producer Charles Roven explains the tragedy behind her character:
She has not only had the loss of [Chris Pine’s] Steve Trevor, she’s lost nearly all the people that are important to her because they’re not immortal, and her life is actually quite lonely and spartan. In fact, the only joy that she gets out of it is when she’s actually doing something for people, if she can help those in need.
Chris Pine also talked about a little bit about Steve:
In the first movie, I played the world-weary soldier who has seen all the depravity that humankind is capable of displaying. And in this one I get to be much more wide-eyed and joyful. My role is really just as a friend, lover, boyfriend-cum-bodyguard who’s trying his best to help Diana on her mission. I’m like the Watson to her Holmes.
Patty Jenkins explains why they cast Pine as Steve Trevor:
He’s not beta at all. He’s a super alpha who can absolutely wear his discomfort on his sleeve. So, from day one, I was always saying that it should almost be like Wonder Woman meets Indiana Jones, where Indiana would never be emasculated. Chris just very naturally has that quality. You can tell by meeting him that he’s warm and he’s chill and he truly appreciates women.
Wonder Woman 1984’s New Villain

One of the new editions to the cast is Pedro Pascal, from Netflix’s Narcos: Mexico, HBO’s Game Of Thrones, and Disney+’s The Mandalorian. Pascal is playing DC Comics’ villain, Maxwell Lord, who is described as “a self-made mogul-slash-guru played as a sort of insidious mix of ’80s icons both fictional (Gordon Gekko) and real (Tony Robbins).” Pascal had this to say about Max:
Max is a dream-seller. It’s this character who encompasses a component of the era which is, you know, ‘Get whatever want, however you can. You’re entitled to it!’ And at any cost, ultimately, which represents a huge part of our culture and this kind of unabashed — it’s greed,” he breaks off, laughing. “It’s f—ing greed, of course. But it’s also about ‘How do you be your best self? How do you win?’ So he’s definitely the face of that version of success.”