In an exclusive interview with The Illuminerdi, WWE Hall of Famer Mark Henry revealed that he wanted to be part of Brawl For All and he feels like he would have done well.
On the most recent episode of our wrestling show, The illumi-NERDI WRESTLING ORDER, superstar wrestler Mark Henry was the special guest. Henry spoke about WrestleMania, the Brawl for All, his thoughts on PPV, and so much more.
Mark Henry In The Brawl For All?
During the show, the topic of Henry doing something he used to call the “Final Exam” came up. It consisted of a bunch of “shooters,” or people with legitimate amateur wrestling or MMA skills trying their luck against Henry. This led to Henry talking about wanting to be a part of Brawl For All.
“As a matter of fact I wanted to fight in the Brawl for All. They wouldn’t let me fight in the Brawl for All. Because it would do two things, it would hurt somebody I fought or if I lost it would hurt me. It would kill me off. So Vince protected me from myself.
Either way it would have been bad for pro wrestling because I was telling people ‘I would pinch you until my figures touched.’ And I could have done it then. I’m not joking. If I was going to pull something off I meant it. I could pull it off! And that was the difference and I had a high success rate except for the ass whooping I took from Brock Lesnar down there.”

The Disaster Named Brawl For All
The Brawl for All was a legitimate fighting tournament WWE put on in 1998. It was proposed by Head Writer Vince Russo as a way to see who was the toughest guy in WWE at the time. Many wrestlers signed up like Bart Gunn, Godfather, Bradshaw (JBL), Bob Holly among others. It started as a boxing tournament and devolved into takedowns and finally into a clusterf**k. If you want to know more about it Vice’s Dark Side Of The Ring just released an excellent episode covering it.
Could Mark Henry Squeeze A Wrestler Into A 1-Inch Cube? Yes Probably
As far as Henry being involved in it and his chances, I’d say they were very good. Henry was called The World’s Strongest Man for a reason. Henry competed in and won a lot of power lifting competitions. He was also a big boy and was in a completely different weight class than the other Brawl for All competitors. One solid punch and anyone is dead and good luck trying to muscle him to the ground.

The only thing which may have been an issue for Henry is if he had any kind of knowledge of striking. If he didn’t know how to box then maybe he would have trouble against someone who did. However, I bet Henry could do that thing where someone catches a punch and then squeezes until he broke their hand. That would have been so cool to see.
What do you think would have happened if Mark Henry entered the Brawl for All? Do you think he would have won it? Who do you think would have been his biggest challenge? Do you think he could have beaten Butterbean? What do you think of our new wrestling show, The illumi-NERDI WRESTLING ORDER? Let us know what you think in the comments and on social media or I’ll have to Brawl for All all over your butt.