The most exciting thing about The Courtship this week was the fashion. Which is not a complaint, because one of the best things about this show is the Regency clothing. But for a reality tv show focusing on romance, one kind of expects a little more flare.
If you haven’t caught up yet on The Courtship series, check it out here before reading further.
The Courtship aired its second episode Sunday night on NBC, which left fans feeling a bit bland. And while we don’t expect to see drama and fisticuffs every episode, one does wish to be entertained. Personally, it felt boring from the start when the men were challenged to row the guests across the pond. Alongside our Heroine, each member of the court was issued their own private boat in efforts to get to know the men. On the other side of the pond was a beautiful picnic set up for everyone, which would end with the parents deciding who would win a private date.
The Courtship Round 2

The most exciting moment being when the three who were without a guest, decided to jump in as a last ditch attempt to gain the attention of Ms. Rémy. It’s hard to see if the editing was lacking here or if nothing really of interest happened during this event, but something just feels off. It also can be the simple fact that there are 13 men fighting it out for attention which makes it harder to really focus in on any one moment. But when everything was said and done there were a few moments that stood out.
Last week we discussed how it just felt off that Mr. King hadn’t invested any time into learning more about this time period. And how that was a big part of showing interest and intent into the overall relationship. This week due to his ability to be so vulnerable with Ms. Rémy, we are able to understand a little more about why he was too busy to do so. It also help move Mr. King from the not interested pile of suitors, to the, might be a keeper side.
Another moment from the picnic that stood out is how dazzling the parents are in general. Dr. Claire Spain-Rémy and Mr. Claude Rémy are absolutely adorable together. As well as adds an air of hope that they will be the ones to make sure that Ms. Rémy finds true love. It’s clear how important her parents are to the heroine and how much she values their opinion. So much so that as fans, it’s safe to expect that the parents’ favorites will be top contestants as the show progresses.

Now as stated before, this week the Courtship parents were the ones in charge of choosing the suitor who was lucky enough to win a private date. Choosing Mr. Hunter was a great choice and it’s clear during the picnic that he was able to really align with the parents on certain things. Which in the end means he really aligns with Ms. Remy. And that was made very clear on the date they shared exploring the castle. The two of them make a great couple. Which might lead to a rivalry forming between Mr. Hunter and Mr. Bochicchio.
Another reason for this week’s The Courtship feeling a little lackluster could come down to how quickly we jump from scene to scene. Before we knew it, the farewell dance was upon us. Which is probably why when Mr. Kesseler was called forward, many fans probably couldn’t remember who he was. Along with him, we also saw Mr. Cones, Mr. Mumbray, and for their second time Mr. Lux, and Captain Kim stepping forward to dance for a second chance.
Once again, the court was there sharing what I imagine are opinions shared by everyone watching The Courtship. Personally, it was shocking to see Mr. Cones being called down because between two episodes it has been clear that there is major chemistry. So imagine the relief when Ms. Rémy discussed the true reason for her calling him forward. Honestly, someone please get them on a private date soon, because this is the one so many of us are waiting to see.
This is where The Courtship really showed how much power the parents hold. All three of their favorites made it through to see another day, while Mr. Lux and Mr. Kesseler left in carriages. And with another day, comes another episode. The sneak peek for episode three definitely left something for fans to hold on to while we wait. Without giving any ideas of who it might be, it is clear that someone will be arriving to leave Ms. Rémy in shock.
Some have suggested it might be one of the suitors who has said goodbye so far, but I would bet it might be an ex boyfriend. In both episodes of The Courtship, it has been barely touched upon that Ms. Rémy has had her heart broken before. It would be the perfect recipe for a reality dating show to bring back the man for a second chance.
But that is just something we will have to wait to find out next week on The Courtship. Let us know who is your favorite suitor so far? As well as who do you think could be walking through those doors next week?