
Moon Knight’s Oscar Isaac Describes Incredible Cut Scene With A God

Moon Knight actor and producer Oscar Isaac has revealed an interesting detail of a deleted scene in the finale that he wishes would've stayed in the episode.

Moon Knight actor and producer Oscar Isaac has revealed an interesting detail of a deleted scene in the finale that he wishes would’ve stayed in the episode.

In an interview with Gold Derby (via IGN), the actor talked about how the deleted scene included a connection between Marc Spector’s mother and the Egyptian goddess, Ammit.


“There was a great scene at the end of [Episode] 6 that just didn’t quite fit in the rhythm of it and that was one scene that, for me, would have tied in mother and Ammit a little closer, because that’s also why I came up with this ‘Laters gators’ thing because then she says, ‘After a while, crocodile.'”

Moon Knight’s Missing Ammit Scene

Moon Knight Egyptian Goddess Ammit

Isaac continues by explaining how, since Ammit is portrayed as a crocodile creature, he felt it was important to show “subtextual emotional connection to everything that’s happening” in Moon Knight.

“She was the crocodile goddess that’s saying, ‘I wish I could pre-judge you because you would never have… this never would have happened.”

This wasn’t the only scene that was eventually cut-out from the series. According to director Mohamed Diab, there were two MCU crossovers that were deleted from the series. Diab spoke to Variety in May about how the show was originally connected to the MCU.

“I want to tell you the very first scene, there was a crossover, and the very end scene, there was a crossover. But as the story developed and we kept changing the scripts, we felt like, ‘We don’t need that.’ All of us. It was a collective decision.”

moon knight main

When it comes to Disney+’s Marvel shows, Moon Knight became the first series to not reference any connection with the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Throughout the six-episode run, fans expected a connection or an Easter egg that would point back to the MCU. Even though there wasn’t any connections, head writer Jeremy Slater did say that a familiar face was set to appear in the series.

“At the time, Echo was going to be our love interest, solely based on the fact that they knew Marvel liked the character of Echo and was trying to find a show to put her in,” Slater commented during an interview on the House of R Podcast.

To casual MCU viewers, this wouldn’t meant very much to them but to avid comic book fans, the pairing of Echo and Moon Knight would’ve been a delight since this did happen in the comics during the Bendis/Maleev Moon Knight comic series.

Hawkeye - Echo

The Disney+ series ended over a month ago and though it was a categorized as a “limited-series,” many fans still have hope that the show will have a second season. There’s currently no word if there will be a second season but according to Isaac, Marvel Studios currently has no plans in continuing the series but he would gladly return if the series ever picks up again.

“I love being Steven. I just love it. It’s just like, physically, it’s so much fun to be him. So, you know, if there was a story that really made sense, I’d be happy to be part of it.” And as a Moon Knight fan, it would be amazing to once again see this character in action.

What are your thoughts? Should they have cut-off these important characters and scenes in Moon Knight? If they ever do decide to make a second season, would you like to see them in the new season? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to follow us on all of our socials!


Source: IGN


Picture of Stephanie Ramirez

Stephanie Ramirez

A film/tv enthusiast who loves everything nerdy including: Marvel, Disney, Star Wars, Comics and Books.