
Monumental MCU Plans Reportedly Revealed For 2024 And Beyond

Excellent details about several MCU projects have been reported, and they all sound pretty fantastic. It's time for the MCU to be avenged.
Patrick Stewart Marvel Comics

The MCU is at a precipice after weathering the storm since the dawn of the Multiverse Saga. However, hope is not lost. A motherload of details for Marvel’s plans has been reported. We just might see the ever-expanding superhero franchise stand on top of Hollywood’s shoulders once again.

Alex Perez of My Cosmic Circus has given fans an early Christmas gift, revealing plans for almost all upcoming MCU projects including “World War Hulk”, Daredevil: Born Again, The Deadpool threequel, Echo, and most notably Fantastic Four, X-Men, and Young Avengers among others.

MCU’s Vow To Put Quality First!

Sam Wilson becomes Captain America in The-Falcon-and-the-Winter-Soldier-Captain-America-4-New-World-Order Brave New World

Perez also reported on Marvel’s strategic shift to quality over quantity going forward. It’s no secret that Marvel Studios has been in a slump lately, and a lot of that has to do with the oversaturation of their brand with inconsistent storytelling, lazy writing in some cases, poor VFX due to awful working conditions for the artists attached, and an over-reliance on tying projects together with little cohesiveness.

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Marvel and by extension, Disney seem to be aware of the dipping quality all around and are intent on fixing it. They plan to loosen the reigns and give the creatives more freedom to tell the stories they want to tell and decrease the need to have everything connected so that there will be “rewatchibility” amongst fans.

A Mature MCU For The Big Kids

Alaqua Cox as Maya Lopez in Marvel Studios’ Echo, exclusively on Disney+. Photo by Chuck Zlotnick. ©Marvel Studios 2022. All Rights Reserved.

As you may know, Marvel just started to gradually introduce mature projects that aren’t confined to PG-13 or TV-14 ratings. Echo, Marvel’s first original TV-MA series exclusively on Disney Plus, and the Deadpool threequel, MCU’s first R-rated film, have hype levels insurmountably high all because fans want to see the characters they love with blood on their hands.

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Echo and Deadpool 3 will test the waters for maturity ratings on Disney Plus and in theaters respectively. Depending on how audiences react to those projects, others such as Daredevil: Born Again, Blade, and Marvel Zombies may attain maturity ratings.

MCU’s Next Main Events

daredevil and spider-man 3 Charlie Cox

Now it’s time for the good stuff, let’s begin to discuss the major arcs Perez reported, starting with Devil’s Reign.

Devil’s Reign

According to his sources, Marvel Studios seeks to adapt this storyline in the MCU, mirroring much of the original comic’s premise. Sources have also cited the “Dark Reign” and “Gang War” storylines as references for this particular story arc. The events of Hawkeye, Echo, Daredevil: Born Again, and Spider-Man 4 will culminate in the MCU’s version of this event.

World War Hulks?

I must confess Hulk is my least favorite Marvel character to discuss due to how ridiculous his character development has been, nevertheless, we must persist. A future World War Hulk arc appears to be in the cards with some creative liberties taken.

Hulk and She-Hulk
Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios

A Hulk dilemma would arise after Bruce Banner and his cousin Jennifer Walters fail to prevent their blood from falling into the wrong hands causing multiple Hulks to run amock. Numerous heroes are said to get involved akin to Captain America: Civil War with lasting repercussions. Projects expected to be involved Captain America: Brave New World, She-Hulk: Attorney At Law, Secret Invasion, and Thunderbolts.

MCU’s Next Generation, The Young Avengers

young avengers

We’ve been seeing seeds planted for the Young Avengers across phases 4 and 5, we’ve met quite a few of them like Kate Bishop, Cassie Lang, America Chavez, Tommy, and Billy Maximoff. It’s no learn that there’s a Young Avengers project around the corner. Whether it’s a film or series remains to be seen but according to Perez, it will be a movie.

He also said that Kamala Khan, Kate Bishop, Cassie Lang, America Chavez, Billy Maximoff, and Tommy Maximoff are expected to be a part of the Young Avengers roster. Possible members, Theodore Altman, Axl Heimdallson, RiRi Williams, Eli Bradley, and Skaar. However, these members in particular were only confirmed by some of Perez’s sources, not all.

A Fantastic Future With X-Men

MCU Fantastic Four
photo courtesy of Marvel Studios and Disney

MCU’s Fantastic Four film is said to be a cosmic adventure with multiversal implications. It’s one of the movies most vital to the multiverse saga leading to Avengers Secret Wars so consider that to be essential viewing. Another thing that’s going to be pivotal to the MCU would be the emergence of mutants.

2024 is bringing the children of the atom back into the world with X-Men’97 on Disney Plus and of course, the untitled Deadpool & Wolverine film we discussed briefly earlier which is believed to have the classic X-men like Cyclops, Jean Grey, and Storm involved. There are no spoilers to discuss but the Deadpool threequel will reportedly lay the groundwork for mutants in the MCU’s sacred timeline.


Sources close to My Cosmic Circus confirmed discussions surrounding mutants having a more prominent role in the upcoming phase of the Multiverse Saga than initially anticipated. This is in hopes of establishing mutants in a more meaningful way on Earth-616 before the saga concludes.

There have been conversations about a series on Disney Plus revolving around several mutants before Secret Wars comes out. More interestingly, an Avengers vs X-Men film was also discussed. As exciting as that sounds, it’s too early to discuss.

I’m mostly looking forward to finally seeing the X-Men in the MCU, as long as they’re taken seriously I’ll be content. What about you? What are you most excited about? Let us know on social media. Follow us for more content like this. We’re always watching.


Source: My Cosmic Circus


Picture of Moriba Forde

Moriba Forde

I'm a writer, Co-Founder, and CEO of Moriviews. I live in Trinidad, I have a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology but my real passions lie in literature and content spanning across film & television. I've been a pretty good writer for most of my life and I grew up in front of a TV and loved it. I decided to make a career combining my literary and analytical skills, and one day, God-willingly, I'll be making my own movies.