
Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid Has New Expansions Teased At Renegade Con

New additions to the Power Rangers Heroes of the Grid board game have been teased during Renegade Con. The board game created by Renegade will be gaining new expansions and the recent virtual winter edition convention has given fans a sneak preview of what will be released in the next wave.

Image result for power rangers dino thunder super megaforce

The first reveal is for a full new expansion that features the Dino Thunder Rangers. This pack will include Connor the Red Tyranno Ranger, Ethan The Blue Tricera Ranger, Kira the Yellow Ptera Ranger, Trent the White Dino Ranger, plus the Evil White Draco Ranger as the main antagonist in this expansion. Naturally, this set is missing Tommy as the Black Brachio Ranger since he was released in the special Tommy expansion pack, but the designers mentioned the Dino Thunder rangers will benefit if the Black Ranger is in play. Without having to add the Black Ranger,

Various cards were discussed during the reveal and one of the features in the art is the Rangers using their civilian powers. It’s not yet clear whether we will also get Tyranno Drone henchmen in this pack as it wasn’t stated yet, but this pack looks like a really epic expansion to add to the game.

More New Ranger Revealed for Heroes of the Grid

The next reveals were single sneak previews of new rangers that will be featured in the Allied pack #2 Expansion.

The first was for Zhane The Silver Space Ranger from Power Rangers in Space. This is a surprise that was missed when the Space Ranger expansion was released with the Psycho Rangers. However, fans will finally be able to complete the team and add him to their game. The following images below are some of the cards that were shown as a preview.

The next reveals were only a glimpse of what will be included and were not yet identified. The only thing revealed for this character, or Ranger, was the card effect descriptions. The only hints given are the descriptions shown and the card’s purple frame. Fans during the con suspect it may be RJ, The Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger, as Pizza was a defining clue mentioned by a fan and recognised by designer, Jonathan Yang, in the stream. Here are the shown card effect descriptions shown;

The last reveal from this pack is even harder to guess, but comes with concept art of a potential Ranger weapon. However, from the Sword, with whip mode, art featured for the new character, Hyperforce fans have deduced that the weapon belongs to Hyperforce Green. Joe Shih, Hyperforce Green, was the late addition to the HyperRPG’s Table-top RPG Power Ranger series. The motif for this Ranger was a Hydra and the weapon matches the description featured in the show. The weapon shown will also be part of the figure piece as well as in the card art.

Hopefully, we will also get Time Force Silver in the future as well since it was also Joe Shih, but that’s unlikely until the other Time Force ranger are part of the game. This would be a highly desired pack since the HyperForce Rangers were released as part of the Shattered Grid expansion and now they will have their much-wanted 6th Ranger.

Power Rangers Dino Fury Heroes for the Grid

There is also another expansion box in the works but the only clue is given by Scott Gaeta, the President and Publisher of Renegade Games, was the keyword ‘Unite”. The way it was said seems focused on the similarity to the word, ‘Knight’, which is a clear reference to the new Ranger team, Power Rangers Dino Fury. Hopefully, we will find out soon what this new pack will be.

If you wish to re-watch the stream including these new release teasers then you can view it on Renegade Game’s Twitch channel.

The new wave has yet to be given an official release date for these additions, but fans do still have the April releases to add and enjoy in their game. From what has been announced and teased, it does seem it’s going to be worth the wait.

Do you own Power Rangers Heroes of the Grid? What expansions are you looking forward to? Do you agree with the deductions for the teased new additions? Let us know in the comments below or on social media and keep following The Illuminerdi for more Power Ranger and Heroes of the Grid updates.



Picture of Bryn Darby

Bryn Darby

Long time fan of Tokusatsu fan since Power Rangers was first released in the 90s. Whereas most Superhero fans grew up with DC Comics and Marvel, my childhood was surrounded by releases from Saban Entertainment such as Beetleborgs, along with anime, and other various fads of the generation. Anime is also a great passion with Digimon, That Time I Was Reincarnated As A Slime, and Demon Slayer being significant favorites. It was the love of both Power Rangers and Digimon that led to the path of becoming a Senior Writer for The Illuminerdi.