Digimon Liberator Finally adds a new set of installments to the Web Novel Series. The new 2-part Debug Episodes feature new characters and exclusive Digimon.
The Umbrella Academy Season 4 brings the series to its perfectly f#$%ed end, or as many might see it, The Umbrella Academy f#$%ed up a perfect ending
Power Rangers: Darkest Hour writer Melissa Flores reveals her experience and influences as she concludes the 30th-anniversary event.
Epic collboration between legendary Rangers and comic talents bring forth never-before-seen tales from the Morphin Grid.
Power Rangers Infinity #1 has granted fans a preview, featuring expected new Ranger teams. Find out more about the upcoming Boom! Studios release.
McFarlane Toys announced an exciting new license today that will see the leader in the collectibles category create a new line of products based on the record-breaking BOOM! Studios comic franchise, BRZRKR. In a new deal brokered by IMG, McFarlane Toys will bring the comic franchise to life with new collectibles.