
The Mandalorian’s Best Easter Eggs Thus Far

The Mandalorian is giving Star Wars fans a feast full of Easter Eggs this year. The Illuminerdi picks out some of the best in the first five episodes.
mandalorian easter eggs

With subtle winks and hidden nods to fans a given in the modern day of decades-long multi-media franchises, it goes without saying that every day is Easter in The Mandalorian. Each episode comes with its own bevy of Star Wars references, so we picked the best in each one.

Mandalorian Episode 1 – The Holiday Special

mandalorian holiday special

The Star Wars Holiday special is the ugly ignored stepson of the Star Wars franchise, but The Mandalorian started its series off strong with multiple references to it. Further references pop up later in the series, so its possible creator Jon Favreau is a bigger fan than George Lucas ever was.

The more obvious reference within the episode is Mando’s bounty dropping a mention of “Life Day.” Life Day was the Christmas stand-in that served as the “holiday” for the holiday special, so The Mandalorian’s shoutout concretizes its place in canon. The more subtle reference is Mando’s weapon, the disintegrator rifle that Boba carried during his debut appearance in the holiday special.

Mandalorian Episode 2 – The Ugnaut Kuiil

mandalorian ugnaut kuiil

While the Star Wars galaxy bustles with alien species of all shapes and varieties, not all of them can be as popular as Wookiees or Ewoks. Sometimes the species aren’t even named on screen, and such is the case for the hardworking Ugnauts.

Keen-eyed fans may recognize the species of Kuiil, who helps Mondo out in the second episode, as the same engineers from Cloud City in The Empire Strikes Back. Kuill hammers in the species reputation as determined workers. Don’t argue with me on that either. I have spoken.

Mandalorian Episode 3 – The Holiday Special Strikes Back

mandalorian life day

Thought the first episode’s references to The Star Wars Holiday Special were just cute winks to be disregarded? Think again. In Mando’s flashback to his childhood during the scene where his new armor is forged there is a veiled shoutout to the special once more. In the fact, the reference is the veils.

The young Mando and his family all wear red robes when the tragic massacre takes place. The same red robes are the customary garb of Life Day prominently featured in the holiday special. More than just a cool reference, the shoutout underscores Mando’s tragedy as it ties the horrors of his origin in to a holiday meant to celebrate life and prosperity.

See more Mandalorian Easter Eggs on the next page.


Picture of Brenton Stewart

Brenton Stewart

Brenton grew up in Kansas before moving to Chicago where he received his B.A. in Humanities. He stuck around Chicago to work as a writer, and somehow still finds time to also nerd out, plan a wedding, and secretly fight for justice in the guise of a masked adventurer.