Luke Visits Rey Too

Rey would also get a Force Ghost visit from Luke. As the title of Duel of the Fates implies, Luke would be pushing Kylo to embrace Ben Solo while he’d be pushing Rey to get stronger. Due to his facial injuries, Kylo would use Mandalorian armor as some sort of mask for his face. We wonder what this would have looked like! Kylo would then demand that Hux take care of the Resistance and Rey.
Rey would go on the question Luke about the balance of the Force, “The dark suffocates the light, light extinguishes the dark. Over and over and over again.” Her confidence would waiver and Luke would be able to sense the anger, fear, and doubt in her. The Force Ghost Luke would then urge her to continue the path that she is on and to not give up on becoming a Jedi.
The Resistance Plans To Light The Beacon And Rey Searches

Two teams are dispatched to different locations. The Coruscant team consisting of Finn, Rose, C-3PO, and R2-D2 are headed to the planet to light the beacon. Rey, Poe, and Chewbacca make up the other team who are sent to the planet Bonadan for Rey to find someone to help figure out what they should do. Now, there’s not much more of a description than that.
Before Rey departs she is embraced by General Leia who is staying on the Resistance base. Rey tells Leia that she thinks there’s still good Kylo Ren but Leia’s almost lost all hope for her son. Leia then tells Rey this is her story and no one should tell her what she should become.