The Flash panel may not have revealed everything, but it was a fun update from Andy Muschietti, Ezra Miller, and the rest of the key creative team regarding the status of this long awaited entry into the DCEU.
What Went Down
The pre-recorded panel consisted of star Ezra Miller (Barry Allen/ Flash), director Andy Muschietti (IT & IT 2), producer Barbara Muschietti, and screenwriter Christina Hodson (Birds of Prey). Throughout the panel, Miller provided viewers with a multitude of Flash Facts; for example, that The Flash #123 was the first DC comic to reference the multiverse and that the first ever Batman film was an unreleased Dracula crossover created by artist Andy Warhol. He made it without DC’s permission!

Andy Muschietti discussed how he was excited to tell a story of time travel in The Flash and the rest of the team echoed that Andy was the perfect director, knowing how to perfectly balance humor, action, horror from his time on the IT films.
Tease of Things to Come For The Flash

Hodson told viewers to be on the look out for Muschietti’s version of Speed Force in the film.
“I’m excited to see Andy’s version of the Speed Force. I may have taken some his doodles and kept them. They are unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.”
Christina Hodson, The Flash Panel DC FanDome
Viewers also got glimpses of Barry’s new suit, designed by Bruce Wayne. Arguably the most talked about image from the panel is a piece of concept art that shows Flash in his new suit accompanied by Michael Keaton’s Batman.

The team was really excited about the potential and the implications of the story, for not only Barry and his own journey, but for the rest of the DC Universe.
Barry’s ability to travel through time puts him in a unique situation. Unlike the other heroes of the DC Universe, Barry can change his own personal story. He has the ability to save his mother and redeem his father.
The team confirmed that The Flash will introduce the multiverse to the DCEU and will open the door for countless characters stories to be interconnected in the future. The Flash plans to start shooting next year with a current release date of June 3rd, 2022.

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