Braun Strowman says that he will wrestle exclusively for WWE until the day he retires from wrestling, while showing his vulnerable side.
Strowman was on Lilian Garcia’s podcast, Chasing Glory, where he spoke about mental health, struggles with depression, loneliness and having a romantic relationship while on the road full time.
“You know, it was just a culmination of things going on in my life. The worst about it was like, literally at the beginning of last year. I went through a really bad breakup and just wasn’t, my personal life was a mess. I mean, with being a WWE superstar it’s really hard to balance the road life and your personal life and that’s part of the reason why the relationship I think didn’t work out and stuff like that and then I got to a point to where, I felt like I wasn’t important at work so I had no escape.
My mind and everything was just all over the place and I was by myself. I just moved into this house. I bought the house of my dreams.
I bought this beautiful house on the lake and I’d been in there like six or seven months at this point and the only thing I had was a mattress on the floor and one in the room and a ringside chair sitting in the living room and I would get home from the road and something that was just weird and I would sit there and sit in that chair in an empty living room in a empty house and sit there for like seven hours at a time and just sit there.
Just because I couldn’t kick out of this funk that I was in and I’m dead honest when I went to Vince [McMahon] to talk about some stuff that I was having problems with and it really pissed me off that the dirt sheets and these guys that like clickbait stuff tried to spin this whole thing and when I talked about this in the documentary that I wanted to commit suicide because I was mad with how I was being booked in WWE and that’s just complete total opposite end of it.
WWE was my only thing positive that I had at that point and I was so mentally hard on myself with what was going on in my personal life that I started letting it affect my business life. When in the grand scheme of things, I have the most amazing job on earth but I got to a point where I felt like a number in a system and I was like ‘I need to address this,’” Strowman said.

The Wrestling Life Is A Hard One
Being a wrestling fan and hearing wrestlers talk about the hardships of wrestling for years, there is one thing they all say is the hardest. Having to be on the road 300 or more days a year is torture on relationships. They don’t get to see their spouse or significant other very often and it causes a lot of strain. This is why a lot of wrestlers date or marry other wrestlers or employees of the promotion. That way they can at least travel with them and spend time with them. It’s also why the divorce rate is so high.
Not being able to see family and friends is hard as well. They miss their children’s important events and aren’t able to be a part of their lives as much as they would like.
However, not having someone to come home to is just as hard. Braun Strowman worked a hard schedule and just wanted to come home and spend time with someone who loves him. He instead came home to an empty home. Any loneliness he may have felt would skyrocket as he sat alone in his big empty house.
Braun Strowman Is A Company Man
Braun Strowman also spoke on only wanting to wrestle for WWE.
“I’m not going anywhere and I’ve said it time and time again. The day I take my wrestling boots off for WWE is the day I stop wrestling. I will not wrestle for anyone else. I will never. I’ve been given an opportunity from Vince McMahon and from WWE at life that I would’ve never gotten and I told him a long time ago. The day I take my boots off for you, I’m done and I mean that,’” Strowman said. (H/T to Post Wrestling for the transcriptions)

It’s very easy to say you’d never wrestle anywhere else when you have been a top guy from the moment you came up to the main roster. I think Braun Strowman means that if he gets offered to wrestle somewhere else he won’t take it. However, he could get released or they could bury his character. If either of those things happen then I’d be surprised if he didn’t make a move to a different promotion.
What do you think of Braun Strowman’s time so far with WWE? Do you think Braun Strowman will still be in WWE in 10 years? Leave a comment below and let us know what you think.
Sources: ProWrestling, Post Wrestling, Chasing Glory