WWE only gave New Day a two day warning before Big E was drafted to a separate roster and split up the full team.
The WWE draft is usually not all that interesting. Any excitement usually comes from NXT call-ups and new or reignited feuds. However, this year we say two tag teams split up.
New Day is the more important team to split. They have been a team since 2014. They have been a dominant tag team right from the beginning. New Day is the longest reigning tag champs of all time and have held the tag titles a total of 10 times. However, the draft saw New Day composed of Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods drafted to Raw. Big E was drafted to SmackDown and thus split up the powerhouse from the team.
Fox Sports asked Big E about the split and how much future notice the team got before the draft announcement.

“We probably got two days in advance. Which, I think a lot of it was to ensure that we didn’t show up to work and if we heard the news then, I assume that people just imagine that we would be tearing up the halls, knocking down doors, crying in public, just fits of rage. So I feel like they decided, let’s give ’em a couple of days to simmer down at home before we had to actually do this on TV,” Big E said.
Six Years Is A Long Run For A Tag Team
The hotter the tag the more likely they are to split up. This is especially true when each wrestler is as charismatic as New Day. Ego begins to creep in and each guy wants a shot at a singles title and see how far they can get going solo. If the ego doesn’t creep in then creative always does. They want to see a team member go solo and have big plans for them.
However, none of this was true for New Day. They have been super popular and were always asked about if they thought New Day had run its course. Each and every time they always said they never wanted to split. For a team that has been hot since 2014 that is a very long run as a team.

Even after six years Big E doesn’t think the New Day had done everything they could accomplish. He still has other angles he would like to see the team go in.
“As much fun as we’ve had doing the goofy, slapstick New Day stuff, when Woods came out in that white and red suit in 2014, you never got to see militant New Day. You never got to see us really be aggressive heels. We were just goofy heels and it worked, but I feel like there’s so much we can offer as a trio. That’s kinda what I wanted to present to them. There’s so much we can do as a trio,” Big E said.
An Aggressive New Day Sounds Like Fun
The New Day have never been aggressive heels, but they were big heels. They were more of an annoying and pestering heel. A militant and aggressive New Day would be interesting. They have been goofballs for so long it is hard to see them as angry and mean. I wouldn’t mind seeing it in the future though.
A good part about the split is how it happened. When tag teams split it is almost always as enemies. A feud ensues before they fully split. For example Shawn Michaels throwing Marty Jannetty through a window is how most teams split.
“I’m glad that it wasn’t one of us taking a steel chair to the other. I’m glad there was no permanent split. We got to do something that I think was emotional but was unique in that I can’t think of another time we got to see a faction that had as much staying power split up in the way that we did.
In a way, that’s loving. I love that we get an opportunity to portray brotherhood in a very genuine sense in a wrestling faction. You never see that! It’s always about someone trying to one-up the other, or this crabs in a bucket mentality, and I think we had, almost from the beginning, a very real chemistry and connection,” Big E said.
New Day And Big E Aren’t Done Yet
What’s important to remember is that the New Day is not done. Woods and Kingston are still New Day and are the Raw Tag Champions. When the next draft happens we could very well see the trio reunited.
I think Big E being the guy to split off is the smartest choice. He is the only one I can see as a WWE Champion or Universal Champion and it being believable. I know Kingston won it not too long ago and everyone went nuts, but it wasn’t believable to me. Woods I think is the best talker of the group, but I don’t see him being more than US or Intercontinental Champion. I still think he would be more suited for a top tier title than Kingston.
Big E is big, strong and a powerhouse. WWE needs to change up his character and focus on him being a big and scary dude. Doing something similar to how they changed Drew McIntyre or Jinder Mahal into legit threats.
What do you think of the New Day split? Do you think Big E can win gold as a singles guy? Do you think the right member of New Day was chosen to get a singles push? It’s time for the Big Ending so drop a comment below and let us know what you think.
Sources: WrestleZone, Fox Sports