If you thought Mighty Morphin #1 was impressive, just wait until you check out Ryan Parrott and Francesco Mortarino’s Power Rangers #1.
As Boom Studios renowned Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #1 recently concluded with issue #55, a new era has begun, the “Unlimited Power” era. Ryan Parrott is writing both series, which follow two separate Ranger teams. Last week, we reviewed Mighty Morphin #1, which followed the protectors of Angel Grove, the classic Ranger Team that casual fans will be most familiar with.
Power Rangers #1 follows a three person team of Jason, Trini, and Zack, the original Red, Yellow, and Black Rangers. The trio now fight injustice throughout the cosmos as the Omega Rangers, fighting independently of their former team and Zordon. They also brandish what I would consider to be some of the finest costumes throughout the entire franchise. This issue is not the formation of the team, but a continuation of their story from the prior series. Thankfully, this issue remains as accessible to new readers as any good first issue should be.
Power Rangers VS. Omega Rangers

This story picks up with the Omega Rangers heading back to their hometown, looking for the assistance of Zordon and shockingly, the evil Lord Drakkon. Drakkon has been imprisoned and kept under lock and key by Zordon and Alpha, as seen in the first issue of the companion book. Lucky for him, the Omega Rangers recently witnessed an immensely powerful and mysterious being known as an Empyreal destroy an entire planet, and Drakkon seems to be the only individual with any knowledge of the powerful race of aliens. The story direction is superb, as the smaller team size makes for more personal, complex character interaction.
Realizing the threat that these beings possess, the Omega Rangers request that Zordon turn Drakkon over to them, as he is the only lead they have. Zordon, realizing just how dangerous Drakkon is, and how devastating his escape could be, angrily refuses. Naturally, this doesn’t deter his star pupils, who return later in the issue to break him out anyways.
While I thoroughly enjoyed following the adventures of the original team last week, that issue paled in comparison to the grandeur and spectacle of Power Rangers #1. Artist Franscesco Mortarino’s illustrations are fairly similar to Marco Renna’s which is fitting considering the nature of these dual series. What sets Mortarino’s work apart is the way it leans into eastern inspiration, which gives this issue the air of a high-energy anime. The textless sequence where the team sneaks into Zordon’s facility was easily the highlight of this issue, visually speaking.
Power Rangers Future Is Brightest With The Omega Rangers

I am extremely excited to see the repercussions of the Omega Rangers’ actions. Will their relationship with Zordon and the original team see long term damage? Can they actually hope to control Drakkon, even with their incredible resources and technology? How can these four hope to stop a being capable of planet destruction? I haven’t had more questions about the next chapter in a space opera since watching the credits roll on The Force Awakens back in 2015, and that is genuinely thrilling, let me tell you.
Power Rangers #1 may be one of the strongest first issues I have ever read, and if it can maintain this level of quality, Boom Studios may make a hardcore Rangers fan out of me yet. The extremely high stakes and immediate conflict with their former leader gives the Omega Rangers a level of hardened maturity that I have rarely seen in the franchise, yet this book never feels off brand. The story is written damn near perfectly, and the artwork is absolutely to die for. Parrott and Mortarino have crafted something magical with this book, and it’s all uphill from here.
Pick up Power Rangers #1 at a comic book store near you, and let us know your thoughts in the comments below or on our social media!