The Power Morphicon convention which was postponed to this year has been postponed again to August 26th – 28th 2022 due to complications in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Power Morphicon released a statement on their website in regards to the recent delay:
Hello Power Morphicon Convention Attendees, Members, and Fans:
Please join us in welcoming a brand new year, and what we hope is a better year for everyone. While we over here at PMC were optimistic, the current state of affairs in the health climate has other ideas. Due to the wild spread of COVID-19 across California, we have made the difficult realization that even by June 2021, it will not be safe for Power Morphicon to gather and conduct the show we want to have. We have made the decision to postpone Power Morphicon to August 26th – 28th 2022 in Pasadena, California. While we will have still missed our 2020 event, this 2022 date puts the show back on track for its biennial schedule. All memberships will be extended to the new 2022 event date.
In spite of this event postponement, Power Morphicon will host a virtual event in June 2021, on the event’s intended date and memberships will have full access to this Virtual PMC. These events include guest autographs, personal meet and greets, online panels, and more. We hope everyone bears with us in this extraordinary time. The PMC staff is working hard to build a fun, safe, and entertaining event for everyone in 2022.
There’s Still More Power Rangers To Come Despite Power Morphicon’s Delay

This comes as no surprise to most as it was pretty clear that it would be safe to hold a major event such as Power Morphicon by this summer.
There are still opportunities to do online events this year such as PMC’s online event in the summer and a potential second event for The Viewing Globe.
In the meantime fans still have the most recent season, Power Rangers Dino Fury, to look forward to. Dino Fury should hopefully air its first episodes sometime in late February / early March so the wait is almost over!
What are thoughts on the latest Power Morphicon delay? Do you hope to attend the convention in August of 2022? Be sure to let us know in the comments below and come back to The Illuminerdi for more Power Rangers news and updates like this in the near future!