A Power Rangers RPG show called Power Rangers: Day of Destiny was announced in the Renegade Con Virtual line-up.
The new Role-playing game show will have its first episode during Renegade Con Virtual: Special Edition. This will be the first of many episodes in this new livestream production.
Power Rangers has been working on spreading to other mediums, other than the TV Show, ever seen Power Rangers Ninja Steel in 2017. This is not the first Table-Top RPG (TTRPG) show, as HyperRPG created Power Rangers Hyperforce, which featured an original, Ranger-exclusive team, brought back previous Ranger Actors, and was loved by many fans.
The Day of Destiny Arrives

Since this is a Renegade Studios production, it is likely that the show will feature the brand new TTRPG system, which has been talked about being created and released. This is suggested in the text seen the line-up show description, which may mean that Renegade Studio’s Power Rangers: Heroes of The Grid, is not the basis for this Ranger series.
It has yet to be announced what the contents of this show will include, however, it is likely that there will be new original, Ranger-exclusive characters like Hyperforce. This is suggested in a Twitter post’s replies that mentions the Players creating their own character, which also states the show is “not Canon’. Its a real shame the show isn’t canon like Hyperforce but hopefully, it will still be awesome to enjoy. As for any brand new rangers, fans will just have to wait and see.
This is the cast that will feature in the Power Rangers RPG show:
- Dustin Fletcher ( This Show’s Game Master) – Known for various TTRPG shows
- Carlos Luna – Known for various TTRPGs and Content producer for Roll20
- Erika Fermina – Cosplayer; Variety Streamer; TTRPG Player
- Katie Wilson – Known for being a Host on Syfy Wire and Streamer
- Xander Jeanneret – Roleplayer; Actor; Known for starring in many TTRPG shows
- Ahren Gray – Renown Twitch Streamer
- Malika Lim Eubank (Guest Player) – Founder/CEO of HyperRPG and known for various TTRPG shows
The cast feature various streamers/actors of great renown for various titles, which should lead to creation of brilliant diverse characters. The most surprising member in this cast is Malika, this is because she was originally the HyperRPG Game Master of Power Rangers Hyperforce. To add to the surprise, she is not the GM of this new show, meaning that she will be a player like the Rangers she had in her show. Malika will only be a guest player in the first episode of this show, which means she may not return in following episodes.
The Game Master of Day of Destiny will be Dustin Fletcher, who will take lead on the show as he directs and controls the story. No information has been released on what Ranger, or character, each Player will be, so it will certainly add to the anticipation for viewers.
The first episode will be live on Friday July 16th, during the Virtual Renegade Con. Episode 1 Premiere of Power Rangers: Day of Destiny will begin at 8pm PT and is scheduled to run for 1 hour. This is fascinating as Hyperforce had episodes lasting 3 hours, which put off some fans. The following links will provide the destinations regarding the new show.
For more information regarding the convention:
RenegadeCon Special Edition (renegadegamestudios.com)
For the broadcasting location of the Online Convention and RPG Show:
This is such a fantastic debut to look forward to, as many fans wondered if a Table-top RPG show will ever return after Hyperforce. Hopefully like HyperRPG, there will be a lot of new content for fans to enjoy from the Power Rangers Universe. The bonus is that anything created in this show could be an external release and more likely be in Power Ranger: Heroes of the Grid since this is a production from Renegade Studios.
What do you think of Power Rangers: Day of Destiny? Are you excited to see Table-top RPG shows coming back? Which part of the show are you most excited for? Let us know on social media, or in the comments below, and keep following The Illuminerdi for more Power Ranger News.

Source: RenegadeCon