
WWE Preparing To Unveil 2 New Title Belt Designs Soon

WWE is getting two new title designs. One is a complete change and the other is a slight modification.
WWE Apollo Crews

WWE is getting two new title designs. One is a complete change and the other is a slight modification.

According to a Tweet by BeltsByDan, WWE has decided to release some new title designs. The delay to reveal the new designs is because WWE is waiting on the replica titles belts to be made, so they can be sold on their website. We now know thanks to WrestlingINC those two belts are the United States Championship and the NXT Championship.

The NXT Championship is getting a slight change to the design. The only change to the title will be to enlarge it. However, the US Championship will have a complete redesign.  Currently the US champion is Apollo Crews.  

WWE Title Belt Design Details

Let’s talk about title belt designs. WWE has some awful designs for their titles, but they are improving. The Universal, World, and Women’s title, are really stupid looking. They are just a giant “W” on the title. There’s a lot of unused space and it looks like a middle-schooler designed it at the last minute. The US Championship design doesn’t look that bad. Although it’s a little on the nose with the entire background being the American flag, but I don’t hate it.

WWE Adam Cole and Triple H
Courtesy Of WWE

I am also not a fan of the women’s and men’s top titles looking exactly the same. I don’t want it to have a butterfly on it like the Diva’s title or make it “girly.” However, I would like it to be unique. While WWE is at it, make the Universal and World Championships look completely different and not just a different color. 


NXT has some nice looking titles. The main roster should be a step up, not a step down when it comes to title designs. The current NXT Championship is better than the old design, but I don’t love the giant “X” on it.  However, the last version was just a giant “X,” so maybe it’s a step in the right direction. Big is always good for titles. Some of the titles in the ‘80s and ‘70s were small and looked like over-sized belt buckles.  

I’m just a fan of the more traditional old-school style of championships. More and more of the title redesigns are heading in that direction and hopefully the US Championship will follow suit as well.

Courtesy Of WWE

Speaking of classical beauties in championship title form, let’s talk about the Big Gold Belt. The WCW World Heavyweight Championship, or just the World Heavyweight Championship, was big and it was something to be proud of.  Whenever you saw someone wearing that title you knew they went to war to get it. Some of these championships look cheap, lightweight and plain.  The World Heavyweight Championship looked expensive and like it weighed 50 pounds.  

I’m very interested to see what these changes will look like. Hopefully this is just the start to fixing all the crap title designs.

Do you miss the World Heavyweight Championship too? Is there a title you really want to see get a redesign? Are there any things you love or hate in championship title designs?  Put the strap on the line and drop a comment down below.



Picture of Robert Watson

Robert Watson

Just a guy reading comics, watching wrestling, and wondering if aliens exist