
The Lightning Collection’s White Dino Thunder Ranger Helmet Repaint Is A Significant Improvement Over The Original

lightning collection dt white

The Power Rangers Lightning Collection has been rocking and rolling since the first figure came and now as we approach the next number of waves to hit, the company is making some well-deserved headway.

After releasing the White Dino Thunder Ranger figure many of them have missed the black outline around the visor and fans were not happy. Hasbro has sent out a link for fans to go to so they can order a replacement helmet that has the black outline around the red visor.

Hasbro Makes Things Right With The Lightning Collection White Dino Ranger

So it can be said that Hasbro is at least trying to make fans happy with their work. Now could this be the start of a new service that Hasbro could make with their lightning collection figures and satisfy those fans who like their figures perfect and great paint quality?

With pictures of the next wave including the dino thunder red ranger, the helmet seems to be following the issues so Hasbro may be getting more phone calls and requests on their sites.

lightning collection white dino thunder

What are your thoughts on the repaint for the White Dino Thunder Ranger? Do you plan to request your replacement helmet? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to come back to The Illuminerdi for more Power Rangers news and updates in the near future!



Picture of Jon Gatewood

Jon Gatewood

A proud member and writer for The Illuminerdi. If not writing here, then watching shows like Power Rangers, Law & Order, Real Time With Bill Maher, or I am traveling about this country.