
Power Rangers Universe Event Will Reveal Origin of the Phantom Ranger

A Power Rangers Limited Comic series is finally exploring the origins of Power Rangers.
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A Power Rangers Limited Comic series is finally exploring the origins of Power Rangers. Boom! Studios’ latest instalment, Power Rangers: Universe, will show the fandom the hidden mysteries and secret backstories that had never been used or established until now. The surprising character to take the spotlight in this new storyline will the Phantom Ranger, who has never had his identity revealed before.

From the beginning, there have many different additions the Power Rangers lore, and not all of them have fully explained or given substance. In more recent years, the Comics, The Hyperforce RPG show, and even the more recent shows have finally given the Morphin Grid more definition and substance.


This includes the Morphin Masters, originally mentioned in Season 1 of Mighty Morphin, and now being included in Power Rangers Dino Fury.

Power Rangers And The Origin Of The Phantom Ranger

power rangers - phantom ranger

The Phantom Ranger first appeared in Power Rangers Turbo, and was adapted from VRV Master from Carranger. The Japanese version wasn’t a ranger but an allied character to the Rangers, but being made a mysterious character in the Power Rangers Universe, this Ranger never had his identity revealed. The Phantom Ranger has also appeared in the following series Power Rangers in Space, but even with the romance between this Ranger and Pink Ranger, Cassie, nothing else about the identity was revealed.

This new series will reveal will not only reveal more about The Phantom Ranger, but will likely reveal more about the origins for the Ranger Mythology. It will be exciting to finally know more about the mysterious Ranger, and even find out more about lores involving the Morphin Grid. The writer has yet to be revealed, however, Simone Ragazzoni is the artist who will be bringing the story to life.

Dafna Pleban, Senior Editor, BOOM! Studios –

“From the very start of our partnership with Hasbro to bring the Power Rangers to life on the comic book page, we always knew that we wanted to explore the many morphinominal teams and worlds in the POWER RANGERS UNIVERSE.”

“Now, thanks to the incredible success of the ongoing series and the enthusiastic support of fans and readers, we’re realizing that years-long dream by delving into the untold stories that fans have been clamouring for!”

With Power Rangers going back beyond to its origins, its possible that unused Ranger teams or even new concepts will make a appearance, much like how the Sentai team, Fiveman, was adapted for the Green Psycho Ranger origins. However, its likely the comic will target different plot holes in the Rangerverse, including contents seen in Super Megaforce.

Power Rangers Universe #1 will feature a main cover by Dan Mora (Once & Future) as well as variant covers by Miguel Mercado (Magic), Goni Montes (Mighty Morphin), and InHyuk Lee (Wolverine). This first issue will be released December this year in comic outlets and will be available as a digital release.

Previews of the covers for this issue can be seen below:

power rangers universe cover 1
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What do you think of this new comic series? Are you looking forward to the Phantom Ranger origins? Which part of the Ranger Universe are you hoping to learn more about? Let us know on social media, or in the comments below, and keep following The Illuminerdi for more Power Ranger news.


Source: Screen Rant


Picture of Bryn Darby

Bryn Darby

Long time fan of Tokusatsu fan since Power Rangers was first released in the 90s. Whereas most Superhero fans grew up with DC Comics and Marvel, my childhood was surrounded by releases from Saban Entertainment such as Beetleborgs, along with anime, and other various fads of the generation. Anime is also a great passion with Digimon, That Time I Was Reincarnated As A Slime, and Demon Slayer being significant favorites. It was the love of both Power Rangers and Digimon that led to the path of becoming a Senior Writer for The Illuminerdi.