
Power Rangers Dino Fury To Finally Premiere on UK TV Via Pop

Power Rangers Dino Fury debuted on the POP TV channel on September the 1st.
power rangers yes

The latest Power Rangers series, Power Rangers Dino Fury, will finally debut in the UK. The 2nd team produced by Hasbro will now have episodes released for UK viewers, and will allow British fans the chance to officially watch the highly-anticipated show. The first season for Dino Fury will be premiering on the POP TV channel, which is only found via extended channels via Sky or other mutli-program providers.

UK has always enjoyed a large amount of epic franchise from other counties and although there is a delay between their release, Power Rangers has been one that used to have a huge presence. However, over time the presence started to decrease, which also meant that toys in stock are nowhere near the abundance in the states.


Although difficult, UK fans have found ways to enjoy Ranger content, including Online store Toku Toy Store, making the franchise more accessible.

UK Gets Power Rangers Dino Fury

dino fury power rangers forest

With Hasbro making Hasbro Pulse possible to use in the UK, accessibility is gradually getting better and the show is still being shown on specific channels. Although Power Rangers is highly unlikely to be seen on common broadcast channels, such as BBC and ITV, Netflix and YouTube are making sure fans don’t miss out.

UK’s Nickelodeon has never added Power Rangers to their line up, but hopefully once Netflix becomes the new host of the TV show, every piece of content released by Hasbro will no longer be a long wait, or struggle, to watch as soon as possible. This is due the 2nd season of Power Rangers Dino Fury premiering on Netflix, when the Nickelodeon contract ends.

For now, the first episode of the latest show has officially been confirmed with a announcement trailer on the channel it will be released on. Its also worth adding that it was amazing for fans to see the cast, in full Ranger gear, officially stating that show will be coming to the POP channel. Usually the lines are delivered by the Red Ranger, since he is the leader of the team, however, it was Tricera Fury, Blue Ranger, Ollie Akana, that delivered the line. It was brilliant to have Kai Moya to announce the debut as Red Rangers usually have the spotlight.

Power Rangers Dino Fury debuts on the POP TV channel on September the 1st. As a bonus, the show will also be available to watch on the POP Player, so that fans can watch an episode anytime.

What do you think of UK being able to watch the show? Are you a UK Power Rangers fan? What are your thoughts on the first episode of Dino Fury? Let us know on social media, or in the comments below, and keep following The Illuminerdi for more Power Ranger Hype.

dino fury - showrunner



Picture of Bryn Darby

Bryn Darby

Long time fan of Tokusatsu fan since Power Rangers was first released in the 90s. Whereas most Superhero fans grew up with DC Comics and Marvel, my childhood was surrounded by releases from Saban Entertainment such as Beetleborgs, along with anime, and other various fads of the generation. Anime is also a great passion with Digimon, That Time I Was Reincarnated As A Slime, and Demon Slayer being significant favorites. It was the love of both Power Rangers and Digimon that led to the path of becoming a Senior Writer for The Illuminerdi.