Boy Kills World is an upcoming action thriller featuring Bill Skarsgård as Boy, a deaf-mute who trains in the jungle to enact vengeance against his parents’ murderers. It promises action, laughs, and plenty of violence, and now, Lionsgate has partnered with Talent Digitial Art to make the in-movie video game Super Dragon Punch Force 3 a reality.
There’s a live-action Naruto movie coming. Believe it!
Netflix has a fun new comedy feature in the works with an impressive cast of talented actors. The new film, Kinda Pregnant, comes from The Out-Laws filmmaker Tyler Spindel. The new feature boasts an impressive cast.
The Illuminerdi’s Chalice Williams examines why SXSW is the perfect setting to debut the new Road House movie.
Minecraft and Universal Studios have announced a new DLC pack letting players experience the thrills of the iconic theme parks!
In the wake of recent music biopics, The famous ’60s rock band will finally get the big-screen treatment