The Oscar-winning director of Thor: Ragnarok, Taika Waititi, joined Alex Stanger on BBC to discuss his new movie. During the interview, he spoiled what many of us believed to be true – Thor: Love and Thunder will be very romantic.
Waititi would not divulge who exactly the romance involved, but many fans believe it to be Jane and Thor falling back in love in the sequel to Ragnarok.
Taika Waititi is coming off a phenomenal year as a director and filmmaker. He received six Oscar nominations for his movie JoJo Rabbit, including winning Best Adapted Screenplay. Waititi also made major splashes, announcing he is working with Star Wars and Lucasfilm on his own movie set in a galaxy far, far away. Waititi is not only joining another iconic franchise, he is also reworking an all-time classic in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Taika Waititi Dishes On His Upcoming Projects

Speaking about Thor: Love and Thunder, the accomplished writer and director had this to say”
“I think it’s going to be really good. We’ve finished, we’ve been writing the script off and on for over a year and I’m just, actually this week, doing another pass on it. It is so insane and it’s also very romantic. I’m into romances now. I just want to make a romance. I just want to make something that I’ve never done or never cared for. I would like to attack something like that.”
With quotes such as this, it’s clear that Waititi is going to tackle more serious and emotional elements in Love and Thunder compared to Ragnarok.
Jane Foster, the once and rumored love interest to Chris Hemsworth’s Thor, is much more than just that. She is also going to be officially revealed as the Goddess of Thunder, the female equivalent of Thor. Christian Bale, coming from the DC universe to Marvel, has fans and Waititi himself ecstatic for his team-up (or rather face-off) with Hemsworth.
Taika Waititi, who has spent over a year and half working on the script, is clearly more passionate than ever and fans can’t wait to see what the final product looks like. Thor: Love and Thunder is set to release February 11th, 2022. Are you looking forward to the next installment? Let us know in the comments below.