Undertaker is concerned Vince McMahon will prank him when he is inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.
McMahon is known to have an immature side and has been known to pull a few pranks in his time. Undertaker was recently a guest on Dallas Morning News and discussed a prank McMahon pulled on him years back referencing the infamous “Taker vs. The Coat incident.”
“We were in San Antonio Texas, it was going to be Shawn Michaels Appreciation Night,” Undertaker said. “I live right up the road, they call me. ‘Hey, do you want to be part of Shawn Michaels Appreciation Night?’ I was like, ‘well, of course, I want to be part of it.’ They were like, ‘well, we want it to be a surprise, so when you get here we are going to put you in a bus, and you’ll stay in there until it’s time to come out, we don’t want Shawn to see you.’ ‘Okay, I’m good.’
So I get there and there’s somebody there to greet me, and I go on the tour bus, and I’m sitting on the tour bus and I am there maybe two or three hours. Finally, Michael Hayes comes out to the bus, he goes, ‘hey, Vince wants to rehearse.’ I go, ‘wait a minute, I thought this was supposed to be a surprise.’ So I blow a gasket, ‘I’ve been in this bus for hours now, what’s the point?’ So I am all pissed off, I said, ‘no, I’m not coming out until later, you go tell Vince I am staying on the bus.’ So he leaves, comes back and he said, ‘Vince wants to rehearse.’ So I storm off the bus, I am storming through the arena.
I go through the stage where we come out on RAW or whatever, and as soon as I walk out on the stage, all of the talents are all sitting up in the bleachers. This never happens, everybody is always off kind of doing their own thing. Everybody’s sitting in the bleachers, no one is ringside other than Vince. I walk out onto the stage, and at that moment, I knew I had been got.
The lights in the arena go dark, this is early in the day, right? There’s no fans. The arena goes dark, the tron stars playing. Basically, you know the packages we play before a match, they give the history of whatever match is about to go on in the ring. It’s basically one of those. It’s like, The Undertaker and they go through my streak, he couldn’t be beaten.
‘But this year’s WrestleMania, it’s The Undertaker vs. The Coat.’ The whole time I was trying to get out of the coat, they had another handheld filming me trying to get out of the coat. They’re playing that video on the tron, all the talent is out there laughing, having a great time. Vince is so proud of himself that he got me to drive from Austin to San Antonio just so that he could rib me.” H/T To Wrestling Inc. For Transcription
An Unexpected Slobberknocker For Undertaker

Here is a little more context on this coat incident. Undertaker and Kane were brought back for a special Brothers of Destruction reunion for the 700th edition of RAW. Undertaker had a thick leather coat which became stuck on his MMA gloves. He pulled and struggled to get out of his coat. It was no easy feat and is possibly one of the greatest opponents he has ever faced. Luckily someone at ringside was able to help Undertaker out of the coat eventually.
It is important to keep in mind this is on live TV and they didn’t have a lot of time to get him out.
The Rib Heard Around The World
After McMahon’s prank Undertaker then began chasing McMahon around the arena. It sounds like a Benny Hill sketch with Yakety Sax playing in the background or for a less dated reference, Scooby Doo and gang chasing the “monster” through the halls. Both of these men are so imposing, intimidating and respected it is hard to think about them being such goofballs.
Undertaker was the first to be announced for the WWE Hall of Fame class of 2022. The other two announced so far are Vader and Queen Sharmell who worked with her husband, Booker T, for the majority of her wrestling career.
No word on any other inductees for this year’s class with time running out because the ceremony will take place Apr. 1.
However, Undertaker has someone he would like to see inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame and it is someone very near and dear to him.
“There’s several, off the top of my head, this is going to sound super political,” Undertaker said.. “But, I believe my wife [Michelle McCool] should be in, she was one working in an era where the women didn’t get nearly the opportunities that they do now. She fought so hard for the women to get more of a spotlight put on them.
She was actually reprimanded once for having too good of a match with Melina, that’s a true story. But for her work ethic and what she did in the time period where they weren’t giving a lot of opportunity, I think she deserves a nod.”

The First Diva’s Champion
McCool first appeared on WWE during the 2004 Diva Search. She made it to the final 10, but was beaten out by Christy Hemme. Although she lost the season WWE signed her to a three-year developmental deal.
McCool was used on the main roster from 2006 to until her retirement in 2011. While with WWE she won the WWE Women’s Championship twice and the WWE Divas Championship twice.
Let’s Get Some Real Legends In This Hall Of Fame Class
I have a few names who I would love to see get inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame this year. The first and foremost is Chyna. She is already inducted as a part of DX, but needs a solo induction. Rey Mysterio Jr. should also be inducted as he is one of the greatest lucha libre wrestlers of all time. Brian Pillman because he was one of the first people to blur the line between wrestling and reality which was a key attribute of the Attitude Era. I would love to see some people who are mostly known for their WCW or ECW work get inducted.
My WCW picks are Alex Wright, Último Dragón and of course The Shockmaster, just kidding I want Perry Saturn.
ECW has some greats who did some great work in WCW and/or WWE who deserve to be in the Hall of Fame like Raven, Lance Storm, Sabu and Spike Dudley.
Who are some of the wrestlers you would like to see get inducted this year or next? Who should induct them? Do you think Chyna will ever be inducted? Who are some women who should be inducted? Leave a comment below and on social media to let us know if you think WWE will ever induct a AEW wrestler like Chris Jericho while they wrestle for AEW.
Sources: Dallas Morning News, Wrestling Inc., WWE’s Most Wanted Treasures