
Cody Rhodes Doesn’t Think He Is Mature Enough For A Management Position Again

Cody Rhodes doesn’t think he will ever hold a management position again like he held in AEW.
WWE Cody Rhodes

Cody Rhodes doesn’t think he will ever hold a management position again like he held in AEW.

Just in case you have been living under a rock or in the wilderness since mid-February Cody Rhodes has left AEW and this past Saturday at WrestleMania made his return to WWE. Cody Rhodes was revealed to be Seth Rollins’ mystery WrestleMania opponent; the two had probably the best match of the weekend.

Post-WrestleMania Cody Rhodes did a media scrum and was asked by Wrestling Inc’s Managing Editor Nick Hausman about going back to a management position in the future.

“Never say never, just general,” Rhodes said.  “Because in six years if we are having this conversation again I could be completely going back what I said. I don’t think I want a management job in wrestling ever again.  I don’t think I was mature enough for it. And I tried.

Eddie (Kingston) and Ricky (Starks), you mentioned them both, all I did was put them out there. Seth [Rollins] did the same thing for me last night, he put me out there. Tony Khan was the one who said, ‘yes,’ because I had said, ‘we don’t have to hire everybody from the open challenge,’ but we basically did.”

H/T To Wrestling Inc. For Transcription And Quotes
WWE Cody Rhodes
Courtesy Of WWE

Cody Rhodes Balancing Being A Wrestler, New Father And A Management Role

Six years ago Rhodes left WWE and spent some time honing his craft on the indies and in NJPW.  However, in 2018 he started building with the help of others the number two American wrestling promotion, AEW, as the executive vice president.  A lot of his role was dealing with talent like smoothing out tension between wrestlers and also being one of the go-to wrestlers in the promotions.

He gave it a go and did very well as AEW quickly became a promotion WWE will have to watch out for.  It was probably very difficult to basically be in charge of a large part of AEW, also be a wrestler, work out his matches and be a new father.  Now that he is in WWE he only has to work out the last three.


Like Rhodes said he isn’t taking the management role completely off the table. In the future perhaps when he retires he may go back to the role in WWE, another promotion or maybe even back in AEW.

Stepping Foot In His Father’s “Home”

Rhodes was also asked about going to place his father had a large part in running and building, the WWE Performance Center, and having a role there with the new talent.

“If I never walk into the Performance Center I would be happy,” Cody said. “It’s just a little too hard for me. That’s where his [Cody Rhodes’ father Dusty Rhodes] office was, his boots are there, it’s just a little too hard for me. And also, when I graduated OVW, my dad told me, ‘never go back, you’re done, never go back.’ Because you can learn wrestling moves all day long at a wrestling school, no knocking on that. You can learn flips, dives, all these moves that are needed today. The, ‘high-tech stuff,’ as Arn Anderson likes to call it.

But the only way you really get the flow and the connection is working in front of crowds and that you don’t really have the ability. You can get your students to be a crowd, but it’s not really the same. I am game, as the press release stated, I am fully all in and committed to it. So where I go, they’ll send me where I go. But I will try and stay clear of any management roles, anything like that ever. I am a wrestler. A superstar, and that’s probably what’s best for me.”

WWE Cody Rhodes
Courtesy Of WWE

Cody’s father Dusty Rhodes oversaw a lot of the training in NXT and was his baby in many ways. A lot of the top Superstars in WWE like Sami Zayn and Sasha Banks credit Dusty with their success.


I can see how training there, teaching or even stepping foot in there would be a very difficult thing to do. Also Rhodes has proven that he can perform at a high level.  There isn’t anything new he could learn from the Performance Center. Perhaps some time in the future we could see him do a few matches within NXT like AJ Styles and Dolph Ziggler have done, but I think that would be way down the line if it happens at all.

AEW Cody Rhodes
Courtesy Of AEW

What did you think of Cody Rhodes’ big return? Are you sad to see Cody Rhodes hesitant about returning to a management role after what he was able to help build in AEW?  Do you think he will ever take on the role again? Leave a comment below and on social media to let us know what you think was the best match of WrestleMania weekend.


Source: Wrestling Inc.


Picture of Robert Watson

Robert Watson

Just a guy reading comics, watching wrestling, and wondering if aliens exist