The Command Voicers from B-Fighter Kabuto are being released as part of the Premium Bandai Complete Edition line. These transformation devices are known in the west as the Data Bonders from Saban’s Beetleborgs Metallix, which is the 2nd season after the Big Bad Beetleborgs. Not only is the Command Voicer including the 3 input cards for these Metal heroes, the Insect Commander variant for the additional warriors and their input cards will also be included as an interchangeable plate for the device.
B-Fighter Kabuto is the Metal Heroes sequel series to Juukou B-Fighter and takes place 5 years after the events of the previous series. The show aired from 1996 to 1997 and was adapted into Bettleborgs Metallix to continue the story of the show created by Saban Entertainment. The Command Voicers are the new transformation devices for the trio, including another version for 4 new B-Fighters that join them in their fight. The new warriors included the following characters and their Beetleborgs counterparts.
- B-Fighter Kabuto/ Kouhei Toba: Chromium Gold Bettleborg/ Drew
- B-Fighter Kuwagar/ Kengo Tachibana: Titanium Gold Beetleborg/ Roland
- B-Fighter Tentou/ Ran Ayukawa: Platinum Purple Beetleborg/ Jo
Additional B-Fighters/Astroborgs
- B-Fighter Yanma/ Mack Windy: Dragonborg
- B-Fighter Genji/ Julio Rivera: Fireborg
- B-Fighter Min/ Li Wen: Lightningborg
- B-Fighter Ageha/ Sophie Villeneuve: Ladyborg
B-Fighter Kabuto Command Voicers Complete Edition
The card input system Command Voicer Complete Edition will be released as a transformation device used by all 7 B-Fighters. The original Command Voicer was released in 1996, with the Insert Voicer version only released in Japan. The new version of the device has been designed to be accurate to the prop used in the show, including a new sculpt and painted in black ink to improve its quality. The device will also have two plates that can be interchangeable to make the Command Voicer or Insert Voicer, with the flip mechanic for the horns or data screen.
The Device comes with a dedicated pedestal and all 7 input cards for all warriors in the series, plus the 3 cards used to summon the Neo Beet Machines, known in Beetleborgs as the Battle Vehicles (B.V.). The input cards have all been sculpted and plated, instead of stickers, with the Neo Beet Machine cards sculpted for the first time. In addition, this version of the toy has voice word recognition, which allows voice play with various sound effects for each word. A mission mode will also be included, which will require the correct input card and voice word to be successful.
It’s amazing how detailed they had made this transformation device and its fantastic how it has been designed to be change between the Command Voicer and Insect Commander, while still retaining the insert and flip-out mechanic. The B-Commander that was previously released will allow fans to complete their collection for the transformation devices featured in B-Fighter and Beetleborgs. This is a perfect opportunity for fans of Beetleborgs Metallix to obtain this prop for the Data Bonder, especially as it comes with additional features. These features include the following for the Command Voicer Complete Edition.
- Contains more than 60 voice word recognition types
- More than 70 different sound effects, including transformation and technique sounds
- Voice lines of Artificial Life Bit, Voice by Hanba Tomoe
- Mission Mode: Bit tells you a mission, you need to insert the instructed input card and enter voice word to hear a special voice (More than 10 scenarios)
- Two theme songs included, “B-Fighter Kabuto (TV size ver.)” and “GET READY! NEO BEET MACHINE!”
- Dedicated Pedestal, which can have inserted Input card and store the others in the back

The B-Fighter Kabuto Command Voicer and Insert Commander Complete Edition set is scheduled for release in February 2023. Pre-orders are already open for the release, until October 30th, 2022. The transformation device from the show will cost 13,200 Japanese yen, which is approximately $91.16 USD.
What do you think of the Complete Edition of the Command Voicer from B-Fighter Kabuto? Are you a fan of B-Fighter Kabuto or Beetleborgs Metallix? What else would you like to see from the Metal Hero series? Let us know on social media, or in the comments below, and keep following The Illuminerdi for more Tokusatsu news.
Source: Tokusatsu Network