Netflix Geeked Week 2023: A Spectacular Celebration of Genre Entertainment
Netflix Geeked Week 2023 is coming!
Netflix Geeked Week 2023 is coming!
Uncover the ethical explorations in ’57 Seconds,’ where Director Rusty Cundieff navigates the moral landscapes shaped by technological advancements and their societal impacts.
Explore the brilliance behind casting Josh Hutcherson in ’57 Seconds,’ embodying the perfect everyman, enhancing the film’s authenticity and emotional resonance.
Eric Bischoff has harsh words for fans who are critical of celebrities like Logan Paul who have wrestling matches. Paul is fresh off his boxing match win over Dillon Danis. He is flying pretty high on life after defeating Danis, especially after the lead-up to the fight got very personal. With Logan Paul’s confidence at…
There was one huge Spidey villain held out of Spider-Man: No Way Home and now it’s clear why…
Dive into Director Rusty Cundieff’s creative process in crafting a relatable blogger protagonist, adding a modern twist to the sci-fi narrative of ’57 Seconds.’
An X-Wing Starfighter has set the record for the most expensive Star Wars screen-used prop sold at an auction.
Discover the captivating genesis of ’57 Seconds,’ as Director Rusty Cundieff unveils the transformation of a short story’s concept into a cinematic time-travel marvel.
After 29 years The Gargoyles are ready to rise again!