Exercising with the Device

The Vital Bracelet Digivice does well to promote exercise in its way but there are some limitations. Running and general exercises are the fundamental focus of the device as seen in the hard missions of the Vital bracelet, which includes sprinting, punching, squatting, and sit-ups.
Although certain activities and exercises aren’t compatible, the VB still encourages activity to train a Digimon. Trophies earned from the missions in the game determine the overall ability of your Digimon, which will change for the Vital Bracelet BE series by linking specific exercises to stats. While outside, the main downside is that the screen can be difficult to see in direct sunlight, but it’s the perfect device to track a simple walk with the advanced Missions.
The requirements for Digivolution are the main contributor to encouraging activity, which is only known by checking the Digidex for a linked DIM card. Knowing this information provides a greater incentive to exercise to gain enough trophies. Getting the trophies related to Hard mission exercises ensures the use of effort since it could reward less than 2 if the criteria aren’t met.
The only downside is that the Digivice won’t be as rewarding for those who weightlift as there is no way to track anything other than the speed of movement. To summarise, there are many ways that the Digivice could link to other activities via settings but overall, the Digivice succeeds in encouraging activity and is great for walking, running, or these listed forms of exercise.
The VB Lab improves experience
The app has extra features that add greater enjoyment to the Vital Bracelet, which includes detailed information, additional missions, and online features. Connecting the Vital Bracelet is easy when transferring Digimon to the app. There are also so many perks included for using the app including additional storage, a DIM card database, items for the Digimon, and even a Digivolution timer that usually can’t be seen in the Digivice.
The game also rewards users with items for logging in, linking a new Digimon for the Digi-dex, connecting a Digimon from a new DIM Card, and more. These items can be used to heal, add bonuses in online battles, increase vitals, or decrease the Digivolution time. There is also a Tamer level that increases by experience points gained as rewards for accomplishments and winning online battles, which transfers to your Vital Bracelet. The best feature of the app is the online battles and battle events that allow you to either battle other players’ Digimon online or work together to defeat a raid boss.
Although the app has now ended service, The relationship between the Digivice and the Lab app is a lot like the D-3 Digivice and D-Terminal seen in Digimon Adventures season 2. The Lab app is the perfect extension to the Vital Bracelet Digivice V and expands the interaction and use to enhance the experience. The new Vital Bracelet Arena App will continue as the partner application to the Vital Bracelet series, which is compatible with all versions of the device, including the new BE range and the Vital Hero series in the US.
Large range of amazing Digimon DIM cards

Since the Vital Bracelet, there have been so many different DIM cards released. These have also included Premium Bandai releases that honor various Digimon shows. Originally, the first Vital Bracelet was released with Impulse City containing the mascot, Pulsemon, but many DIM cards were later released for new and even iconic Digimon. Included in the variety of Digimon, Premium Bandai has already released special DIM cards, which have been celebrations of anime seasons including Tamers and Frontier.
The Digivice V comes with Gammamon but an Angoramon and Jellymon pack has been released, but don’t have their Mega Evolutions featured in the series due to the original release being before debut. One important detail that fans should be aware of is that a DIM card will be locked to a Vital Bracelet used for the first time. This means that fans shouldn’t purchase pre-used cards as they will be locked to the user. This is a pain for those who have more than one Vital Bracelet per household as multiple users will need to get each card separately.
There are so many fantastic Digimon that fans can choose to be their partners, but the mascot, Pulsemon, is only available as a packaged release with the original Vital Bracelet. Most only have 1 Rookie stage before they finally branch off, but there are many epic additions in each DIM card. These include completely new Digimon, Digimon recently seen in the reboot adventures series, and even two new additions added to Digimon Ghost Game. The only way the selection could be better has been achieved by the voting process seen for the new memories in the Vital Bracelet BE line, which has allowed fans to select a Digimon in each stage to be added to upcoming BEMemories.
Improvements that could be made

There are a few improvements that could add a greater experience to the Digivice, which includes direct interaction, GPS functions, waterproofing, and friend-related activities. Direct interaction has previously been included in Digimon and Digivices such as feeding a Digimon and even responding to requests. Although a small feature, it would be nice to form of bond with Digimon as it’s easy to just switch to another without any true attachment. The strap that comes with the Digivice is also fairly short so many fans have been purchasing fan-made straps for those with a larger wrist circumference.
Pokémon Go is a good example of using location-based encounters to enhance gameplay. Generally, this could be used for those who run or walk as it would be a lot more accurate to use. However, this could be a great replacement for the advanced mission option that gives encounters based on steps. This could be possible by setting the app as the means for this kind of GPS adventure and then linking your Digivice for the battle. Making a full adventure with the Digivice instead of random Digimon from the DIM card would improve the experience.
The fundamental change that the Vital Bracelet could be given is waterproofing. This may not only prevent accidental damage but could also introduce the use of water-based activities such as swimming. It would also be amazing to swim alongside Digimon such as Gommamon and Seadramon as an amazing experience for fans. The main element that is currently missing relates to multiplayer and cooperative activities.
The Vital Bracelet generally is an isolated experience and would benefit from adding more features relating to friends and online interaction. There are plans in motion to provide such features via the app, however, having Digimon interact with one another and a friend list to track or push each other would be fantastic.
Conclusion of the VB Digivice V

The pros and cons of the Digivice are fairly balanced but the overall use of the Digivice has been an enjoyable experience. Even in Japanese, the use of the Digivice has been easy and even the pixel art included for the Digimon, and environments have been fantastic. I have been more motivated to stay active thanks to this Digivice and it’s been great to have a Digimon partner during my activities. Although it still lacks full tracking capabilities like most fitness devices, it is still a fantastic item for fans of the Digimon franchise, with more possibilities for the future of the VB series.
Currently, the Vital Bracelet Digivice V has only been released in Japan, but the Vital Hero has recently been released in the US. The Vital Bracelet Digivice V reviewed was purchased thanks to ZeninTCG, who also sells various Digimon products from Japan including DIM cards. Vital Bracelets for Ultraman and Kamen Rider have been released previously in Japan, but are only compatible with specific releases.
The Vital Bracelet BE has been previously announced in Japan as the next generation with upgraded features. The latest Vital Bracelet will be compatible with DIM cards but will also release BEMemory cards that include Digimon and anime-based cards that include characters featured in My Hero Academia, Demon Slayer, and more.

What do you think of the Digimon Vital Bracelet? Were you encouraged to be active with the Digivice? Which Digimon DIM card is your favorite? Let us know on social media and keep following The Illuminerdi for more Digimon.