Power Rangers has released multiple Christmas specials throughout its 30 year run, for better or for worst… Today we will be ranking all 12 of them to determine which one you should watch this Holiday season.
12. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Alpha’s Magical Christmas

Coming in last place is “Alpha’s Magical Christmas.” In this special, Alpha 5 and Zordon pretty much kidnap a bunch of kids from their homes, force them to sing Christmas carols, then the Rangers come in to break continuity. This special takes place during season 2, after Rocky, Adam, and Aisha join the team. However, likely due to shooting schedules, Tommy appears in his Green Ranger costume. This special lacks Ranger action which is why it cracks the bottom of this list.
11. Power Rangers Zeo: A Season to Remember

”A Season to Remember” is perhaps one of the most infamous episodes of Power Rangers ever. And not even due to its Christmas aspects; however, there are a lot of weird things to go over with that too. The special features an epilogue that sees Tommy as an old man and married to Kat. He is telling a story to his great-grandson about and experience he had during his Zeo Ranger days. The canoncity of this episode was widely debated until recently because the series made no mention of Tommy and Kay’s marriage until they both returned for Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel in 2018.
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As for the special itself, the major lesson of the episode is respecting other cultures. Which is cool; however, the villains create a bias machine to make the Rangers and their friend Raymond to only see things their way. This causes the Rangers to say some pretty cruel things about each other cultures which is just really off putting even though it is just a spell.
10. Power Rangers Megaforce: The Robo Knight Before Christmas

Surprise! One of the worst seasons of Power Rangers produced one of the worst Christmas specials! “The Robo Knight Before Christmas” sees Robo Knight being mistaken for a toy and being shipped off to Africa. There he recounts events of the season to the children there. Like all of the other Neo-Saban seasons, this is a clip show and the clips used here are just really random and don’t make sense within in the “story” of the special because Robo Knight wasn’t even there for a lot of the events he mentioned.
9. Power Rangers Samurai: Christmas Together, Friends Forever

In “Christmas Together, Friends Forever,” Emily, the Yellow Ranger, sends an incredibly long email to her sister about her experiences as a Ranger. Bulk and Spike also get into some hi-jinks. That is pretty much it.
8. Power Rangers Dino Charge: Race to Rescue Christmas

I’m not going to lie, I completely forgot the entire plot of this episode only hours after watching it. After catching myself back up, it was okay I guess. We do get some new Ranger fight footage which is nice. In the special, Poisandra steals Santa’s computer which tells him who is naughty and nice. The Rangers must get it back or else Santa will have no choice but to cancel Christmas… I guess…
7. Power Rangers Super Samurai: Stuck on Christmas

In “Stuck on Christmas,” the Rangers get stuck in the Megazord after it gets frozen up after a fight with a monster. Mentor Gi also invites Bulk and Spike into the Shiba house since they don’t have a better place to stay. In the end, the Rangers surprise Bulk and Spike for Christmas. This episode is this high on the list because we (barely) get to see the inner workings of the Megazord which I think is kinda cool.
6. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: I’m Dreaming of a White Ranger

Despite its title, “I’m Dreaming of a White Ranger” has very little to do with Tommy Oliver. Instead it is about the Rangers helping a little girl who is missing her father on Christmas. The villains also invade Santa’s workshop, preventing Santa from finishing his presents on time. After a snowball fight with the villains, the Rangers help Santa to save Christmas and bring the girl’s father to the Youth Center just in time for their concert.
5. Power Rangers Ninja Steel: Past, Presents, and Future

In this special, the Rangers are attacked and frozen by Cleopatra. Sarah, the Pink Ranger, has no choice but to go back in time to retrieve their powers, with the help of Santa. The methods she uses to get their Ninja Power Stars are odd to say the least.
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Why couldn’t she just go to a time where all of the Rangers were around and ask for their stars then? Regardless I did appreciate them for finally trying to do something a little different with this.
4. Power Rangers Beast Morphers: Scrozzle’s Revenge

In “Scrozzle’s Revenge” Scrozzle returns and traps the Rangers in Christmas ornaments. The Beast Bots have no choice but to save the Rangers and Christmas themselves. This episode is interesting simply because it is focused on the Beast Bots who don’t do a whole lot during the rest of Power Rangers Beast Morphers.
3. Power Rangers Dino Super Charge: Here Comes Heximas

“Here Comes Heximas” is definitely the weirdest of these specials but it is also a lot of fun. One of Sledge’s monsters escapes the explosion of his ship to get revenge on the Rangers just in time for the holidays. Heximas puts a spell on the Rangers to turn them into evil elves. The only thing that can save the Rangers is their memories with one another. This is definitely the most creative use of the clip show format and it gave us some spectacularly ridiculous performances from the Rangers.
2. Power Rangers Dino Fury: Secret Santa

In “Secret Santa” Javi, the Black Ranger, is struggling to find a for Solon. Meanwhile Santa’s magical sketchbook is stolen and Javi and Solon are trapped in the base with a bomb. The other Rangers stop the villains while Javi and Solon find and disarm the bomb within the base. In the end, Javi gives Solon a gift that came from the heart, his songbook so they can sing together. The clips in the special are used very well here as Javi and Solon try to determine which of the gifts could be the bomb.
1. Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel: The Poisy Show

”The Poisy Show” is not just the best Power Rangers Christmas special, but it is also one of the coolest episodes for Ranger fans. During the special Wes Collins, the Red Time Force Ranger, gifts the Ninja Steel Rangers a device that allows them to cross dimensions. Meanwhile Sledge from the Dino Charge universe returns to steal the Ninja Power Stars and give his wife, Poisandra, her own show.
This episode goes down in history as the team up between Legendary Ranger actors and real-life brothers, Peter and Yoshi Sudarso. This alone has cemented it in Ranger history alongside its unusually entertaining plot for these Christmas specials.

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