Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #110 is the perfect tease to start the Darkest Hour event as it sets each piece into play. The latest issue from Boom! Studios prepares fans for the release of the 30th-anniversary event written by Melissa Flores, as the story continues from the concluded Recharged arc. With the prelude, fans are treated with a huge mixing of characters as Mistress Vile enacts the start of her plan to release Dark Spector. From the Mighty Morphin team to the Omega Rangers, the groundwork for a deadly war begins.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers has gone beyond the 100-issue milestone as the franchise starts its 30th-anniversary celebration. The Darkest Hour is the next event featured in the Boom! Studios comic series, which features the creative team consisting of Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raúl Angulo, Jose Enrique Fernández, and Ed Dukeshire. The event will see the integration of the one-shot graphic novels recently released, including the returning Hyperforce Rangers and the new Drakkon Rangers.
The following content may contain spoilers for the recently released Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #110 comic.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #100 Features a Build Up Burst with Reveals

The Prelude to Darkest Hour ties in all the pieces in the play as the Rangers try to stop Empress Vile, but the Death Ranger and Evil Green Ranger Matt add to the trouble. As the start of the battle unfolds, reveals and encounters start to occur that demonstrate the escalation of events that cause the teams of Rangers to charge into action. However, despite their best efforts to catch up, they find themselves in a desperate situation as the empowered Rita casts the spell starting the 30th-anniversary event.
A Mix of Foes & Conflict Converge

Many interactions feature in the 110th issue as the Omega Rangers and Mighty Morphin team try to protect the Archs from falling into the wrong hands. However, conflict is soon upon them as they are forced to contend with the forces of Death Ranger and Dayne, while Empress Vile has all she needs. There is chaos mixed in as the Rangers deal with their current situation, but the smallest panel teased the biggest concern. This is seeing a resembled Alpha-1 standing behind Xi as the Omega Ranger calls for help, causing anticipation.
Drama explored with Reveals
The shock of Lord Zedd’s Ranger forms a prime feature in the issue as the Mighty Morphin team witnesses his new appearance. However, the big shock is demonstrated by Grace as she learns of the Dark spell on Matt and Zordon’s body becoming Rita’s minion. Grace is amidst the darkness force as she witnesses Empress Rita’s cunning and power, with the Rangers always one step behind. Although she is wise enough to know her dire situation, it was impressive to see her still trying to get through to Matt and demonstrate defiance. This is a great reminder that she still has qualities befitting a Red Ranger as she was once chosen to be.
New features and Iconic Additions

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One of the impressive additions to the comic is the Serpentera Zord created by Dan Mora. This Zord was an iconic addition to the 2nd Season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers but is certainly smaller than it was originally set to be. Ironically, the Zord was also featured in Power Rangers Wild Force and includes the zombified members of that team with the Death Ranger. This version is more on the scale with the Zord featured in the special 10th-anniversary special episode, which is a great coincidence for them both to feature in the same issue.
Teasing the Start with the End
Although a valiant effort, nothing could stop Mistress Vile from opening a portal using her collected ingredients with the Arch. The fact that she describes it as a ‘Perversion of the Morphin Light’ adds a special tingle of excitement and fear. Using the words “Darkest Hour” in her spell also adds a brilliant spark of excitement to an already highly anticipated event, which was a nice touch. It will be exciting to see how the rest of the story begins to unravel as this is just the starting point of a bigger scheme.

As a momentous issue that blends the best dramatic moments with all the currently revealed characters, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #110 deserves a rating of 10 out of 10.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #111 marks the start of the Darkest Hour event, with #110 released on July 23, 2023. The first issue for the 30th-anniversary celebration event will be released in August 2023.

What do you think of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #110? Are you excited for the Darkest Hour event to unfold? Which Boom! Studios’ comic arc has been your favorite so far? Let us know on social media and keep following The Illuminerdi for more Power Rangers news.
Source: Boom! Studios