Digimon Liberator’s upcoming installment focuses on new characters after featuring Owen Digivolving his partner for the first time, along with a new mystery Digimon. The web series has accelerated now that Shoto and Arisa are part of the Debugger team. However, more characters have begun to appear, creating excitement for the next release. With fans anxious to discover all cards from the latest Digimon Project, gradual previews have added suspense for each series.
Digimon Liberator features a range of characters alongside Shoto and Pteromon, along with Arisa and Shoemon. New characters, new evolutions, and even brand-new Digimon have been featuring the new project that started in April. The English version has finally released related cards thanks to the new Starter Decks and Digimon Liberator Extra booster. However, not all Digimon and Tamers have been revealed, with some of the recent reveals released in the next EX Booster.
Digimon Liberator Features a Bigger Slice of Lacuna with New Digimon and Story Development
Episode 7 Parts 1 & 2 of Digimon Liberator breaks away from the card battles for the first time as the new Debugger team recruits work to capture wild Digimon. Fans are already looking forward to a new Tamer and Digimon has been revealed for the next 2-part Chapter coming in November. Shoto, Arisa, and Owen feature in the latest installments, with a part of the story skipping ahead two months as events unfold. The new episode also features new monsters for the series and finally answers what one of the new Digimon Digivolves into.
New Digimon Feature with High-Hype Details
A new mysterious Digimon features in the latest installment, which has yet to be fully identified in the Digimon Database. Maquinamon is a new Digimon that is a split between a beast and an android and has become the latest addition to the series. Nothing has yet been revealed about Digimon other than its name, but a new Tamer has also been teased for the series Character profiles. However, fans have noticed that the robotic half has a connecting tail as seen in the Digimon Universe: App Monsters series.
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Maquinamon is a curious addition to the story as it appears to have no partner but seems to look a partial relative of Angoramon. With rumors of booster BT21 possibly containing the debut of App Monsters like Gatchmon, this monster could be the bridge between both species of the Digital Worlds. It will be exciting to find out if it evolves and whether this is the start of a new species that is between both universes.
Elizamon Digivolves in an Ordinary Way
Owen’s Elizamon Digivolving for the first time into their Champion form. Elizamon is a new series-exclusive Digimon that has yet to be seen in a card battle. However, Dimetromon has debuted as the reptile Digimon for its evolution line, which was oddly debuted for the series of the Card Gies of the TCG. This is due to the straightforward Digivolution that has been seen in many different series, showcasing the D-Storage as a form of Digivice.
Owen’s Tamer card will be released as part of the BT18 booster but it’s clear that the full line will be kept for a big debut. It was interesting to see evolution outside of card battles, creating a link to past series. It will be interesting to see what evolution it gains next especially since Owen and Elizamon could continue with Dinosaurs or shift into a Dramon species. It is most likely the case that all cards will be revealed in his debut card battle, much like many decks that are now appearing in boosters.
Next Reveal Teased For New Tamer and Novel Chapters
Fans are already excited for the next Tamer and Digimon to debut, thanks to a teaser for the upcoming Extra Booster. This includes the Episode 7 debut of the mysterious girl named Close and her partner Digimon, Sunarizamon. However, the official X channel for the Japanese Digimon Card Game has revealed upcoming releases. This includes new chapters to be released in mid-November for the Web Novel series and the debut of a new character and her deck.
The new Mega Digimon for the Card Game was featured in the Chains of Liberation Booster poster, but it will be exciting to find out the rest of its line and the effects. It’s also fantastic that fans have new Debug chapters to look forward to for the web novel since they often debut new cards like seen for Impmon, Fanbeemon, Frigimon, and even Tyrannomon. Chains of Liberation will feature many new cards for characters in past Liberator releases, but it will be exciting to see what new effects could be revealed next.
RELATED: DIGIMON LIBERATOR: Partner Digimon Details Revealed with their Champion Digivolutions
Digimon Liberator Chapter 6 Part 2 of the Web Comic is currently available, via the official website, GlobalComix, and Webtoon. Chapter 7 Parts 1 & 2 will feature Close and her Sunarizamon deck, released on the 14th and 28th of November, respectively.
Digimon Liberator will release Debug 5 and 6 for the Web Novel in November. The exact date of release and contents of the chapters are yet to be revealed, with all present installments available via the official website.
Digimon Card Game Extra Booster, Chains of Liberation (EX08), English version will be released in January 2025. The booster will feature cards for Ryutaro, Tyrannomon, Suzune, Frigimon, Close, and Sunarizamon.
The next upcoming release is Special Booster 2.0, which will contain cards from BT18 and BT19. The new booster released in November 2024 and will also Liberator cards, including Tamer cards, cards for Fanbeemon, Sangomon, and more.
What do you think of Digimon Liberator? Are you a Digimon Card Game player who loves the latest releases? Are you excited to find out more about the mysterious Digimon and upcoming characters? Let us know on social media and keep following The Illuminerdi for more Digimon.
Source: Digimon Card Game JP, Digimon Card Game EN , Digimon Liberator
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