Interview: Zyra Gorecki Shares La Brea Secrets
Zyra Gorecki, who portrays Izzy Harris on NBC’s La Brea, shares her audition story and character secrets in our recent interview.
Zyra Gorecki, who portrays Izzy Harris on NBC’s La Brea, shares her audition story and character secrets in our recent interview.
Star Trek actor Garrett Wang talks about his vision for Harry Kim in a recent interview.
We recently had the opportunity to sit down with the creator of Twitch’s scripted series Artificial, Bernie Su, and chat with him about what’s new in season 4, subtitled Artificial: Factions. This new season saw a massive shift in the previously defined show dynamic. Lilith has disappeared and now Sebastian and Xander have decided to…
The fourth season of Twitch’s interactive series, Artificial: Factions has moved to Fridays. Check out all the latest info!
Artificial Factions is the latest season of Twitch’s scripted Sci-Fi series, ArtificialNext. Forced to start over with a new AI once again, Sebastian and Xander compete head-to-head to see who has developed the superior AI. We recently had the opportunity to sit down for a chat with Stephen Chang who portrays Sebastian. Over the interview,…
Kevin & Dan Hageman, the showrunners of the new series, Star Trek: Prodigy share some secrets about the Protostar.
Isa Briones is ready for fans to see what’s next for Picard Season 2.
At Star Trek Day 202, BadCulture TV caught up with Brett Gray, Star Trek Prodigy‘s Dal, who has claimed dibs on being the captain of the Protostar. The interview started with Brett fanboying out over being 5 feet away from Levar Burton. . . and let’s be honest, who wouldn’t? I think a lot of…
Artificial Factions (AKA Artificial Season 4), the new season of Twitch’s live scripted sci-fi series, will air Thursday September 9th.