Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd are joining the Power Rangers Lightning Collection from Hasbro!
The first anniversary you get paper, the second you get cotton. With the 25th you get silver, and with Power Rangers you get a new matching Lightning Collection set. As reported by Morphin Legacy, Hasbro is releasing a duel set of Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd just in time for the 25th anniversary of the 3-part Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers episode arc, “The Wedding”.
Lightning Collection Honoring A Legacy

This episode was quite a seminal event when it aired, showing the return of Rita Repulsa planning to take her seat back from Lord Zedd by having him fall hopelessly in love with her. The rest of the episodes focused on Rita trapping the Rangers in a house as a wedding gift to Zedd.
CLICK HERE: Purchase the Lightning Collection on Amazon!
With this Lightning Collection, we get a new copy of the Lord Zedd figure that includes his Z-staff and the green crystal he used in the “Green No More” arc.
This will also be the first release of a Rita Repulsa Lightning Collection figurine, and it will come with her staff and the love potion used to turn Zedd into her husband. Also included in the set will be a silver anniversary wedding cake to highlight the event. Unfortunately, there will not be an upset Goldar bent on stopping the wedding from happening. The set will be sold through GameStop and will be sold for the price of 49.99 and will be released August 28, 2020.
Are you ready to celebrate the marriage of the star-crossed Power Rangers lovebirds? Let us know in the comments below.