Previously Unknown Dino Charge Orange Ranger Uncovered in a German Magazine
A Twitter user by the name of Hurricane Gold has recently revealed that there was a previously unknown Dino Charge Orange Ranger in a German magazine.
A Twitter user by the name of Hurricane Gold has recently revealed that there was a previously unknown Dino Charge Orange Ranger in a German magazine.
Universal has just acquired the rights to the LEGO Movie empire. We explore exactly what this means for the LEGO Batman Movie franchise and yes…Will Arnett.
Suzanne Collins is about to publish her prequel novel to The Hunger Games, and Lionsgate is already planning to turn it into a film.
In the inaugural episode of Rage Cage, we debate the more gifted time traveler – Doctor Strange from the Marvel Universe or Rick Sanchez from Rick & Morty.
It’s official! Avatar: The Last Airbender is coming to Netflix in May. We celebrate by sharing 3 Avatar spin-offs that will hold you over until then…
In the latest episode of The Clone Wars, a surprise cameo from Solo shocked unexpecting fans.
Doctor Fate is set to appear in the upcoming Black Adam film, starring Dwayne Johnson. The Illuminerdi breaks down which comic book version he might be.
Extraction proves that Sam Hargrave can handle himself as a director and further cements Chris Hemsworth as an action hero, but the story doesn’t go very deep.
The future of the MCU is even further away as the studio makes Marvel release date changes to upcoming blockbuster sequels to Thor, Doctor Strange, and Spider-Man.