Many fans have shown their desire for the Metallic Armor White Ranger in the Power Rangers Lightning Collection toyline. This is due to now having the five core Rangers from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 3, with their sparkling appearance. The Metallic Rangers was one of the first ‘Mode’ changes in Power Rangers, however, it only appeared in 5 episodes and hasn’t been seen since.
Fans have now had the opportunity to add to their Collection Red Ranger Rocky, Blue Ranger Billy, Black Ranger Adam, and Yellow Ranger Aisha in their metallic Ranger Form. With Pink Ranger Kat being added earlier to the Lightning Collection line. Although we got the other 4 in one wave, it still left out White Ranger Tommy, which is needed to complete the collection.
In the first season of Power Rangers, every fan knows that Tommy, played by Jason David Frank, was originally the Green Ranger in the show. Due to the story, and a limited range of Green Ranger footage, Tommy eventually lost his powers, however, that didn’t stop the character from returning due to fan demand. So, Tommy came back in Season Two, but now as the White Ranger. The new White Ranger was then made leader of the team, instead of Red, which was a result of his popularity.
Hasbro Toy Designer, Josh Warden, Discusses Tommy In The Lightning Collection

Josh Warden, a Hasbro Designer, is certainly aware of his popularity and responded to the Tommy hype, and Lightning Collection desire, in the fandom.
John Warden: “I know everybody wants to have more Tommy figures. There’s never enough Tommy. I guess stay tuned.”
Although Tommy has always been a popular character in the franchise, it’s interesting the Lightning Collection team of Hasbro has yet to confirm when the new figure will be released. With a recent interview with the Illuminerdi, we also learned more about their decision to choose the Metallic Rangers and the Zeo Crystals that came with them.
John Warden: “That’s the cool thing about having a capsule program: it allows us to build out that universe. We keep thinking about when is the right time to introduce those characters. That’s the cool thing about the Zeo crystal in general; it’s this awesome MacGuffin piece from season 3 of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. It breaks up in a way that, as you collect these metallic Rangers, you’re getting a glow-in-the-dark crystal that you can start to build your own Zeo crystal with. That’s a lot of fun.”
As for the White Metallic Ranger, Warden only had this to say when questioned about the desired release.
John Warden: “So, yeah, any opportunity for us to do more Tommy. We heard it hear from Joe: make more Tommy figures.”
Likely, it won’t be too long until we complete the Lightning Collection Metallic Rangers, but it does seem like The Hasbro team behind it is making sure it’s worth the wait. If you wish to see the full interview with the Hasbro Lightning Collection team, use the link below.
What do you think of the Metallic Armor Power Rangers? Are you hoping to see more Tommy figures? What do you wish to see in the Lightning Collection? Let us know in the comments below or on social media, and keep following The Illuminerdi for more Power Rangers content.