Tom Holland Confirms Conversations are Happening for MCU’s ‘Spider-Man 4’

Tom Holland confirmed that discussions have started on the next Spider-Man entry while promoting the upcoming Sony film, Uncharted.

After months of leaks and rumors, Spider-Man: No Way Home and Tom Holland finally swung by theaters worldwide to deliver a cathartic dose of multiversal gratification to legions of Spider-Man fans.

Now that fans have had their hunger satisfied, people can’t wait to find out what comes next. The MCU’s Spider-Man of the hour, Tom Holland, has been rather uncharacteristically coy about his career as the web-slinger in the future. However, Marvel Studios’ CEO Kevin Feige confirmed that they are already hard at work developing the fourth installment in the franchise.


In a new interview with Entertainment Weekly, Holland confirmed that discussions have started on the next entry while promoting the upcoming Sony film, Uncharted.

Spider-Man’s Story is Far From Over

Tom Holland - Spider-Man 3

We’ve had conversations about the potential future of Spider-Man, but at the moment they are conversations. We don’t know what the future looks like.

Tom Holland

Holland indicates that talks are currently happening, as far as he knows, between Feige, Sony’s Tom Rothman and producer Amy Pascal. But he doesn’t know exactly how far they’re along in those discussions since, according to him, he’s “not really thinking about the future.” He goes on to highlight his current way of handling the situation with No Way Home‘s success.

Pascal had told Fandango back in November that No Way Home “is not the last movie that we are going to make with Marvel — [this is not] the last Spider-Man movie.”

We are getting ready to make the next Spider-Man movie with Tom Holland and Marvel. We’re thinking of this as three films, and now we’re going to go onto the next three. This is not the last of our MCU movies.

Amy Pascal

Back in December, Tim Rothman stated that Sony and Marvel have a “reciprocal” relationship in an interview with

We lend one, then they lend one, and that’s how Benedict [Cumberbatch] is in this movie, so we have one more lend back that is committed.

Tim Rothman

Tom Holland’s Home Is Wherever He Goes

The future of Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is looking very bright as far as I’m concerned, I can’t wait to see what stories Marvel and Sony have left to weave. I can’t wait to see more of Holland’s work all around. At the age of 25, Holland has already made quite a substantial reputation as a fantastic actor with works ranging from The Impossible, Edge of Winter, Devil All The Time, Cherry, and of course, MCU’s Spider-ManHome” trilogy among many others.

Honestly, Holland’s career is showing absolutely no signs of slowing down any time within the foreseeable future. Tom Holland is Spider-Man of today’s generation, both Sony and Marvel see his value, they have something cooking, we can smell it, I think it’s safe to say that we’ll see Holland suit up in the famous red and blue onesie again.

Would you be eager to see Tom Holland’s Spider-Man return or would you rather see him just retire the web-shooters and settle down with Zendaya somewhere? Let us in the comments below. If you like what you read, don’t forget to follow us on Twitter or Facebook so you don’t miss more Marvel or Spider-Man content like this in the future!


Source: Entertainment Weekly via MM


Picture of Moriba Forde

Moriba Forde

I'm a writer, Co-Founder, and CEO of Moriviews. I live in Trinidad, I have a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology but my real passions lie in literature and content spanning across film & television. I've been a pretty good writer for most of my life and I grew up in front of a TV and loved it. I decided to make a career combining my literary and analytical skills, and one day, God-willingly, I'll be making my own movies.