The Expedition Bigfoot team reveals their most terrifying or dangerous experience while searching for Bigfoot.
The search for Bigfoot can be an exciting adventure. For decades experts have been trying to find the creature and prove its existence worldwide. There is also the question, “Is the unique primate the last remaining member of a species?” However, finding the legendary Sasquatch can be very dangerous, as shown in the Travel Channel’s Expedition Bigfoot.
Expedition Bigfoot is a reality series that feature a team of four highly skilled professionals, Bryce Johnson (Expedition Operations), Ronny LeBlanc (Bigfoot Researcher), Russell Acord (Ex-Military/Survivalist), and Dr. Mireya Mayor (Primatologist), who use evidence, analytical data, and recent eyewitness reports in attempts to find Bigfoot. Their search for the iconic Sasquatch has led them to the wildernesses of Oregon, Kentucky, and Washington State. However, during their expeditions, the team encountered terrifying and dangerous situations while filming.
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We at The Illuminerdi had the opportunity to talk with the Expedition Bigfoot team at Wondercon 2022. We asked the team about their most terrifying experience while filming for their expeditions. The team gave us in-depth answers about some of their harrowing experiences in the show.
The Expedition Bigfoot Team Reveals Their Most Harrowing Encounters!

The Illuminerdi: You all have been part of intense or dangerous situations throughout the show. What was the most terrifying experience you all had while filming?
Russell Acord: Anything before coffee! (laughter)
Bryce Johnson: I immediately look to Russ, feel like it’s you know. Being on the show and then watching it as a viewer too, I am always sort of cringing for what Russ is putting himself through. He seems to be constantly in dangers way. But I think everybody when they’re out there, there are dangers abound. But Russ I don’t know I think of you and that whatever something charged at you.
Russell Acord: Yeah, the Bluff charge is probably the most scary thing I’ve been through. Its because something rushed me, and the cameraman through the woods, out of the darkness. We never did see what it was. That was just primal and instinctive. You don’t know what to do in a situation like that. You just hope that you are doing the right thing in that situation and we came out ok. But I mean everybody puts themselves in spots that we really shouldn’t be in. Some of the caves you’ve gone into (talking at Ronny) I couldn’t even fit. She (talking to Dr. Mayor) goes to into spaces I would never. We all get on that razor’s edge.
Ronny LeBlanc: There was a time in Kentucky, where we felt like there was three of them around us and we are hearing sounds. Loud aggressive sounds that you normally wouldn’t hear from an animal, unless it wants your attention. It was a point in time we just felt like we are in a bad position right now. That was I think one of the scariest for me.
Dr. Mireya Mayor: I mean, one of the situations we always find ourselves in is that we are in areas that are obviously sustaining lots of large mammals. That’s why we partly select these areas so at any given time you know that there are large bears and that there are other carnivores. They are very good at seeing us, but we don’t have that same kind of vision, so we can’t see them.
Expedition Bigfoot Team | Wondercon 2022

After watching the series and interviewing the team, I have even more respect for them and their field of work. Finding Bigfoot is hard enough, but the team being in situations that are potentially life-threatening shows how committed they are to their work. We all hope that the team finds the famed Sasquatch, as long they don’t get hurt. Expedition Bigfoot Season 3 is currently airing on Discovery Plus.
What was the most terrifying moment you have seen the team face on Expedition Bigfoot? Which expedition or location from the show is your favorite? Do you believe in the Bigfoot legend? Let us know what you think in the comments below, or let us know on Twitter.