On September 29, musical sensation Ed Sheeran teamed up with the Pokémon franchise to release his new song, “Celestial”.

Ed Sheeran wrote and performed songs since age 11, garnering the attention of other musical talents such as Elton John and Jamie Foxx. He rose to stardom with his 2011 debut album, + (pronounced “plus”), topping the UK Albums Chart. His success continued with consequent albums x (multiply), ÷ (divide), No.6 Collaborations Project, and = (equals). His concert tour “+-=/x” is set to begin soon as well, and this will likely encourage fans to see him perform live. Sheeran’s concert will take place across the U.S. and Canada.

From Fandom to Franchise, Ed Sheeran!
Sheeran has been a fan of the Pokémon brand from a young age. His experiences include collecting the cards, recording episodes from the anime on the VHS, and sharing a GameBoy Color with his brother. On Sheeran’s 8th birthday, he received his own GameBoy Color with a copy of Pokémon Yellow. He kept that same GameBoy Color into his adult years, playing Yellow and Silver during long rides while on musical tours. As a child, these games were his form of escapism; as an adult, it is a nostalgic trip down memory lane.
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Sheeran previously collaborated with the famed franchise, playing a key role in a 2021 Pokémon GO event. From November 22 to November 30, players could listen to several songs from his discography through the app. During that time span, starers such as Totodile, Mudkip, and Piplup had enhanced encounter rates, representing Sheeran’s love for Water-Type starters. One of his all-time favorites, Squirtle, could also be encountered wearing sunglasses, referencing the anime episode “Here Comes the Squirtle Squad” and returning from a summer 2018 event.
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“Celestial” follows Sheeran as he goes about his day, interacting with various Pokémon. The visuals alternate between animation and live-action, with the creatures using their powers in numerous creative ways. Towards the end, the visuals shift to a style in line with the anime, culminating with a mythology gag to Pokémon: The First Movie and its remake. Among the merchandise he owns, the GameBoy Color from his childhood mentioned earlier is prominently featured at the beginning and end of the music video, beautifully representing how the franchise was, is, and will be a significant part of one’s life and identity.
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Although the lyrics themselves do not explicitly reference terminology or species names from the franchise, they follow the franchise’s central themes of love, friendship, and optimism. Just as it had done for Sheeran, The Pocket Monsters have timelessly shaped many people’s lives and continue to evolve for many new generations to come. Collaborating with a massive franchise was a dream come true for Sheeran, and the sentiment is shared by Pokémon Company International President Kenji Okubo.

The eighth Generation of the main series of games previously had a song to promote its debut, “Dynamax (Brand New World)”, though the song was not featured in Sword and Shield proper. In an inversion of using a lyrical song to promote the new Generation, Sheeran’s song “Celestial” will be featured in the upcoming installment, Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, set for a worldwide release on November 18, 2022.

What are your thoughts on “Celestial?” How do you think the song will be featured in Scarlet and Violet? How has Pokémon impacted your life? Let us know and share your hopes for Scarlet and Violet with us on Twitter!
Source: Ed Sheeran
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