Who is Wonder Girl, and when will DC finally put this hero in a greater spotlight? Wonder Woman is a part of the so-called “Trinity” at DC Comics. Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman – the big three. So why are her sidekicks nowhere near as popular as Robin and Superboy?
Before the three primary “Wonder Girl” characters, Diana Prince was the first to use the name. Wonder Woman was created in 1941, and in earlier appearances, she would occasionally operate as the teen hero “Wonder Girl”. Over the years, this part of her history has been wiped away by retcons and changes to Wonder Woman lore. Having said that, let’s discuss the character who is generally accepted as the first Wonder Girl.
Wonder Girl – Meet Donna Troy

Donna Troy is loved by many, and she effectively is to Wonder Girl what Dick Grayson is to Robin. She is strong, wise, and loving. Donna is a beautiful, resilient mirror image of her mentor. Troy fights with bravery whether she is fighting alongside Wonder Woman or the Teen Titans.
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Donna Troy currently wields the “Lasso of Persuasion”, a mystical variant of Diana’s “Lasso of Truth”. If Donna’s will is stronger, she can command those touched by her magic lariat. While her role as a Titan and her relationship with Wonder Woman makes her special, her origin story is a mess. Donna Troy’s origin has been reworked so many times that trying to make sense of it all could make your head spin.
As it currently stands, Wonder Girl was made from clay by a sorcerer as a magical, younger replica of Wonder Woman. She was then given false memories about her youth and led to believe that she had been Wonder Girl since her teenage years. Donna is now aware of the deceit and helps lead the Titans as the world’s leading super-team.
Wonder Girl – Meet Cassie Sandsmark

Cassie Sandsmark is the second Wonder Girl. Cassie is plucky and chatty, but deeply caring. Her emotions are often raw due to her challenging relationship with her protective mother Helena – or her relationship with teammates Robin (Tim Drake) and Superboy.
Cassie is the granddaughter of Zeus and she carries some serious firepower. She possesses the Lasso of Lightning, an incredible weapon that grows more powerful by the wielder’s rage. She also once brandished an alien armor (complete with a barbed, crimson lasso) designed to defeat Trigon, the Teen Titan’s greatest enemy. On top of that, she has some god-like powers as a result of her heritage, the upper limits of which are still unknown.
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Cassie is a lovable badass who doesn’t hesitate in the face of adversity. Perhaps what makes her most interesting is how distanced she often is from Donna and Diana. Cassie spends the majority of her stories with the Teen Titans, fighting the good fight while apart from her sisters and mentors. Though she is part of a greater legacy, Sandsmark is her hero when it comes down to it.
Wonder Girl – Meet Yara Flor

Yara Flor is the newest addition to the Wonder Girl mantle. Yara Flor is the daughter of an Amazonian who left Themyscira and went into the Amazon rainforest of Brazil. There, she fell in love with a river god and eventually gave birth to her daughter, Yara. Yara’s mother was killed in battle, and Yara was moved away from her tribe to grow up in Boise, Idaho. As an adult, Yara returns to Brazil to reconnect with her roots and rediscover her past.
On the way, Yara meets a deity who gifts her with magical Golden Boleadoras. Yara reconnects with the Esquecida (the Amazonian women who live in the Amazon rainforest) and trains with the tribe. Eventually, she leaves to train with the gods of Mount Olympus.
Her time training at these two locations gives her the strategic mind and combat ability necessary to fight as Wonder Girl. Eventually, Yara meets Wonder Woman and they go on a quest into the bowels of Themyscira together. After witnessing Yara’s skill and courage, Diana officially dubs Yara Flor “Wonder Girl”.
Will Trinity Become Wonder Girl Someday?

Finally, we felt it prudent to mention one of the newest additions to the Wonder Woman family. Elizabeth “Lizzie” Marston Prince is the daughter of Wonder Woman in the future.
Trinity appears to be the official superhero codename for Elizabeth Prince, so she is not Wonder Girl per se. But her Amazonian motif, youth, and plucky characterization make her very similar to Donna, Cassie, and Yara. Trinity’s heritage makes it likely that she will become Wonder Woman someday, but might she become Wonder Girl first?
Wonder Girl may not be the most well-known superhero in the DC Universe, but she is part of hundreds of incredible comic books. Cassie, Donna, and Yara are similar in regards to their kind hearts and indomitable will, but they are unique in many ways too. In some ways, they are more like independent heroes associated with Wonder Woman than traditional sidekicks, something Diana herself pointed out in Wonder Woman #5.
Read more about Trinity in the upcoming Trinity Special #1, available digitally or at your local comic book store on Jan. 30th, 2024.
Who is your favorite Wonder Girl? Who is the best sidekick to Wonder Woman? Let us know your thoughts on social media, and thanks for reading! We are always watching.
KEEP READING: TRINITY SPECIAL #1 – Wonder Woman’s Daughter