
New Artwork Depicts What Janelle Monáe Could Look Like As The MCU’s Storm

Janelle Monáe as Storm for the MCU, brought to you by BossLogic after the actress shared her hopes of being cast.

Recently we covered the news that super star Janelle Monáe is campaigning for the role of Storm in the MCU. Monaé herself is most well known for her singing/songwriting career and her roles in critically acclaimed films such as Hidden Figures and Moonlight.

When asked about her wishes to portray the iconic X-men character on the big screen alongside the rest of the rapidly expanding MCU cast, Monáe had this to say:

I definitely have thrown it out there. One of my dreams has always been to play Storm. I don’t know if she comes in Black Panther, but it would be a dream to have her in it. I don’t know where they are with that. A lot of women have played Storm and they’ve done an exceptional job, and I would love to be in that line of artists and get to do Storm justice.

Monáe on portraying Storm
Janelle Monáe - storm
Janelle Monáe

Bosslogic To Janelle Monáe’s Rescue

With this recent news, Twitter artist Bosslogic, who is known for constructing artist renders of what actors could look like in projects such as these, unveiled his interpretation of what Monáe could look like as Storm.

The artwork depicts the singer/actress in an appearance very similar to that of the character’s iconic interpretation in the 90’s, with a slightly modernized touch to bring it into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The work also has Storm sporting her iconic lightning Mohawk, which itself blends beautifully into the background of the artwork.

Monáe has said she has met with many of the cast and crew of Black Panther, including director Ryan Coogler, and stars Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan and Lupita Nyong’o. Whilst it is unknown when, where or how Storm and the rest of the X-men will join the MCU, some speculate it could be within Black Panther 2, considering the period in comics where the two were married.

What are your thoughts on Bosslogic’s artwork? Could this work as an costume for Storm in the MCU? Let us at The Illuminerdi know down below, and be sure to like, comment and share!


Picture of Mitchell O'Brien

Mitchell O'Brien

"I'm not convinced I know how to read. I've just memorised a lot of words." [One of the many faces of the PSPremiere Youtube Channel... Also on Twitter a lot...]