
Dino Fury Cast Talks About the Collaboration Process With First Time Power Rangers Showrunner Simon Bennett

The Dino Fury cast shares their thoughts on working with first-time Power Rangers showrunner Simon Bennett.
dino fury - showrunner

With Power Rangers Dino Fury premiering today, the Illuminerdi had the opportunity to ask about working on this awesome new series.

Various changes have been made that affect this new season compared to when Beast Morphers was produced. Aside from the new cast, another significant change is that Simon Bennett is now the executive producer and showrunner.


Naturally this may affect the processes involved making the show, which makes fan curious on the work dynamic for the new Power Ranger series.

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dino fury morphin masters

While chatting with the new Ranger cast, the question regarding the work relationship involved with Bennett was given.

This is the first time you’re taking part in such a legendary franchise like Power Rangers, but this is also Simon Bennett’s first time really running the show. Can you talk to me about the collaboration process and working with Simon develop some of the characters around you guys?

Kai Moya, (Blue Dino Fury Ranger): “It’s been amazing. From the very beginning, he’s always been there, just an email away or a zoom call away. If we have any questions about a character from the start, it was like, “Feel free to just ask it, so that you guys can fully just get into that character.'”

“The thing that I really like about Simon is that he’s bold. He goes for it, and he’s doing the things that he wants to do with it. And it’s looking amazing. I’m just really happy to be working with him, as his first time being the mastermind behind it all. I’m really happy, and I think I can speak for everyone on that.”

After Kai’s response, Tessa Rao, who is playing the first female Green Ranger in Dino Fury, also added to the response and included her experience working with Bennett.

Tessa Rao: “He’s so collaborative, too. He wants to know what you think about your character as well, which I think is really good. Yeah, he really cares. I feel like it will show onscreen, but it also really helps our experience of telling the stories that we want to tell.”

It’s great that both the cast and Bennett are working so closely together to make the show as perfect as possible. It also shows that Dino Fury, and future Power Ranger productions, are in good hands with Bennett as he works hard and is open to feedback from team members to further develop characters featured in the show.

What do you think of the collaboration process in Dino Fury? How excited are you to see the first episode? What do you hope to see more of in the creation of a new series? Let us know in the comments below or on social media and stay tuned to the Illuminerdi for more behind-the-scenes of Power Rangers.



Picture of Bryn Darby

Bryn Darby

Long time fan of Tokusatsu fan since Power Rangers was first released in the 90s. Whereas most Superhero fans grew up with DC Comics and Marvel, my childhood was surrounded by releases from Saban Entertainment such as Beetleborgs, along with anime, and other various fads of the generation. Anime is also a great passion with Digimon, That Time I Was Reincarnated As A Slime, and Demon Slayer being significant favorites. It was the love of both Power Rangers and Digimon that led to the path of becoming a Senior Writer for The Illuminerdi.