The Batman is set to be an incredibly explosive film.
Robert Pattinson, Zoe Kravitz, Colin Farrell, Paul Dano, Andy Serkis, and Jeffery Wright all star in the superhero/horror epic, which is set to be released on March 4. Matt Reeves directs the newest reboot of the Batman franchise, the script has been penned by longtime writer Peter Craig, with assistance from Reeves. John Turturro and Peter Sarsgaard also star in the Battinson origin story, and fans are more pumped than ever. Wow. What a cast, what a crew, what a film.
The film will not take place in the DCEU, at least not yet, as the movie will feature a different Batman (Robert Pattinson) than the DCEU’s version (Ben Affleck). However, with this whole Flashpoint thing taking place in The Flash, we could see the DCEU status of The Batman change very quickly. Exit Ben Affleck, enter Robert Pattinson. Exit JK Simmons, enter Jeffrey Wright. What a sight that would be to see. All sections of the DCEU that relate to Batman could be essentially erased, and replaced with the “Battinson” universe.
Robert Pattinson Explains Why The No-Kill Rule Exists For Batman

In a recent interview with Premiere Magazine, The Batman star Robert Pattinson talked about Batman’s ever-present no-killing rule in the DC comics and previous films, and how Director Matt Reeves adapted the rule to fit the movie’s narrative this time around. Here’s the full quote:
There is this rule with Batman: he must not kill. It can be interpreted in two ways. Either he only wants to inflict the appropriate punishment, or he wants to kill and his self-control prevents him from doing so.
I imagined it that way from the rehearsal of the first fight, I thought it was funnier: something in him just wanted to slit the guy’s throat! I told myself that if he spends his nights chasing criminals, it is impossible that he does not take pleasure in it. He suffers and it is a desire that overwhelms him. And by dint of knocking, his mind clears, he calms down, he reaches a state close to plenitude. I’m sure in this first fight, he manages to convince himself that every guy in front of him is the one who killed his mother. And so that allows him to vent all his rage.
The interesting thing is that this Batman practically lives in the gutter. He’s nowhere at home except on the street when he’s wearing the suit. He lives a criminal life, but without committing crimes! I felt like I could get something out of that. Anyway, I could only play a superhero if he was really dirty!
Robert Pattinson on Batman’s no kill rule. (translated from French by The Direct)
Well, it’s interesting that Robert Pattinson confirms that Martha Wayne will be killed in the film. The main reason he’s attacking the mob is because they presumably killed his mother. Some of you may be dismayed at this point, assuming that The Batman will not be dark because Batman won’t kill. Yeah, not really. Based on Pattinson’s comments, Bruce Wayne’s basically going to come as close to killing as possible, but will stay just behind the line. Fans hope that it’ll be gory, bloody kills, but for the most part, it likely won’t be. Don’t fear, however, The Batman will surely make up for it in other ways. Matt Reeves has got this.

The Batman releases in theaters on March 4, 2022. The latest Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises, is now streaming on HBO Max. What did you think of this news? Are you happy that Batman won’t kill in the movie? Let us know by mentioning @The_Illuminerdi on Twitter.
Source: Premiere