Every great YA drama series needs to understand the balance between dark drama and the lighter comedic relief to break up tension and levity, which is something The Hardy Boys has mastered.
While keeping all surprises up, the showrunner and writer’s sleeves, instead of losing steam, allow the audience and viewers to ease through, and if honest, no one wants that. For an iconic series to work, you need the audience on the edge of their seats, longing to return to see how the story will unfold. Of course, we all have a favorite character from the actor’s portrayal, captivating writer, or just human relatability.
In this case, it’s Phil Cohen, played with such comedic finesse and ability by actor Cristian Perri. For those who don’t know Perri’s role in The Hardy Boys, He is a crucial friend and piece of the Hardy Boys, and it’s clear his role is among the lines of comedic relief and impromptu master disguise.

When season 1 premiered, many felt the character of Phil was a standout in the eyes of fans. Due to stealing and eating up his screen time as a young sailor boy, to a detective emulating the titular brothers, and embodying the strength and courage they possess. Though for a time, it felt Phil was longing for a place, and the costumes he would take shaped his identity and personality.
And to note, each character had an arc and part to play, and it felt for Phil his role as comedic relief and breaking up tension, but as the series progresses into the future, with season 2 already released on Hulu. Who knows, maybe Phil’s narrative could grow a little darker, and his personas could peel back the truth of the character.
Phil Cohen: Master of Disguise In Training On The Hardy Boys

The Illuminerdi had a chance to catch up with the cast of The Hardy Boys at WonderCon 2022 and asked Cristian about the possibility of whether Phil would wear more costumes in Season 2 and beyond.
The Illuminerdi: Do we find any more costumes? In Season 1, you were a sailor and in other costumes. How about this season of The Hardy Boys? Can we see more?
Cristian Perri: I think we do.
Rohan Campbell: Did you tell the story behind that costume how hot it was in there? (laughter) (referring to Christian’s sailor outfit in Season 1).
Christian Perri: Oh yeah, so that costume (laughter). I’d say forty five minutes to put it on and like an hour to take it off. It was very tight and warm. It was like wool. It was wool right? (talking to Alexander Elliot and Rohan Campbell)
Alexander Elliot: Yeah I think so.
Rohan Campbell: It was a straight jacket apparently.
Cristian Perri: Yeah it was the white shirt you put on under. It was like this stuck to your body. I don’t want to go there anymore, PTSD! (laughter).
Rohan Campbell: Did you put costumes this season?
Cristian Perri: Maybe not costumes. Well I think everything I wear is pretty much a costume (laughter). From like crazy colors, cool shoes.
Krista Nazaire: I think you have one of the best outfits near the end.
Cristian Perri: Yeah, oh yeah!
Rohan Campbell, Alexander Elliot, Cristian Perri, and Krista Nazaire via Wondercon
Check out the interview in full below.
Are you enjoying The Hardy Boys Season 2? Did you ever read the books? Who’s your favorite character from the series? Do you want the series to go darker or lighten up a little? As always drop a comment, post a like, and follow us on social media.