Matt Riddle names who he would like to face at WrestleMania if given the chance and what the best part of WWE is.
Riddle’s momentum has continued into 2022 with his partnership with Randy Orton, RK-Bro. The highlight of his year was his match with The Street Profits and Alpha Academy at WrestleMania which saw RK-Bro retain their championships.
Matt Riddle was recently on Catch Club and talked about his year, what an amazing event WrestleMania was and what an honor it was to be able to perform on the event.
“WrestleMania was amazing this year, we had 78,000 people,” Matt Riddle said. “As Vince would say, it was the most ‘stupendous’ WrestleMania in history. And I will actually say, this past WrestleMania, was amazing. I thought both nights were very stacked and it had everything you want in pro wrestling.
My dad actually watched WrestleMania, and you know, I thought he’d think my match was the best but he was like, ‘Dude, that Johnny Knoxville.’ He’s like, ‘Those Jackass guys, they really brought it. That was match of the night!’ Dude, exactly, you’ve got to realize that it’s the best part about WWE, like, we’re not just doing one thing. We cater to everybody in all forms and facets of entertainment and having Johnny Knoxville go against Sami Zayn, and having all those guys, to me, it was epic.”
H/T To Wrestling Inc. For Transcription

Matt Riddle’s Different Perspective
It is always very interesting to hear what people who aren’t as knowledgeable about wrestling or an outsider think about wrestling. I don’t know how into wrestling Matt Riddle’s dad is, but it is interesting to hear what he thought was the match of the night and it was the one no one expected.
So often in the wrestling community the fans are jaded and like who it is cool to like and hate who it is cool to hate. It is interesting to hear that Matt Riddle’s dad loved the Zayn vs. Knoxville match which was actually a very good match. WWE has stepped up the match quality for celebrities.
Maybe at next year’s WrestleMania Riddle’s dad will think his son had the best match of the night. Matt Riddle named two dream WrestleMania opponents and maybe either of these two opponents would really get his dad hyped for his son’s match.
“I mean, right now, you’ve got Edge. He’s really good and he’s with Damian Priest, so that would be entertaining,” Matt Riddle said. “The obvious answer is Brock Lesnar, you know? I’ve been wanting that guy for a minute and then he kind of didn’t want me, but now we’re kind of like [almost on the same level]. I might be able to get in there now. I don’t know if I’ll like the outcome of the match, but of course!
I had a little taste [at Elimination Chamber 2022]. Things did not go according to plan, I think everybody would agree with that. And Brock broke out of his pod and did what Brock does, you know? Nobody was ready for him and he came in and ‘Brocked’ us, you know? But yeah, I would like that when the time’s right and the build’s right. I think my two, or Randy [Orton]. But right now we’re teaming, you know? I don’t want to put that in the atmosphere, so I’ll say Edge or Brock.”

The moment Riddle signed with WWE the fans have been wanting a Lesnar vs. Riddle match and wondering if it would ever happen. Both have an MMA background and came from a successful UFC career before coming to WWE or returning in Lesnar’s case. \Because they both have the MMA background they can wrestle a more “shoot” or “strong style” type of match and neither really get to wrestle that kind of match. I would love to see that match and think it could turn into a great match. No matter the result I think it could really elevate Riddle.
Edge is the one of the cool new toys WWE has with the other being Cody Rhodes. Everyone wants to play with them and because Edge is a Hall of Famer it makes a match with him a little more desirable.
Edge has had a lot of high profile matches since returning at Royal Rumble in 2020. His new faction, Judgment Day, with Priest and a new member revealed last night at WrestleMania Backlash has everyone excited. Edge vs. Riddle could also be a very good match and elevate Riddle to a strong singles run in the future.
Would you like to see Matt Riddle stay with Orton or is it time for him to go solo again? Do you think Riddle vs. Edge would be a good match? Would you like to see Riddle vs. Lesnar? Which would you like to see more? Leave a comment and let us know on social media who you would like to see Riddle face from WWE at WrestleMania in 2023.
Sources: Wrestling Inc., Catch Club