
Fanart Reveals What A Spider-Man And Daredevil Crossover Would Look Like

Spider-Man and Daredevil team up in new fanart from some of the internet's best digital artists. But will the two characters ever actually meet in the MCU?
daredevil and spider-man 3 Charlie Cox

Filmmaker Kevin Smith recently piqued the interests of Marvel Cinematic Universe fans with a comment that seemed to suggest that Tom Holland’s web-slinging superhero Spider-Man would team up with Charlie Cox’s beloved iteration of the character Daredevil, the hero of Netflix’s series of the same name.

The comment turned out to have been misinterpreted, but that didn’t stop some of the internet’s most talented digital artists from sharing their own unique visions of what an onscreen meeting between the two superheroes could look like.

While the MCU’s Spider-Man will most certainly be in need of a lawyer of Matt Murdock’s skill in the very near future as he fights to clear his name, he likely won’t be getting help from this character in particular – or at least not Charlie Cox’s version.

It’s pretty clear that Marvel has plans in store for all the characters fresh from their small handful of cancelled Netflix series, but these plans probably include recasts and reboots. Not that this means fans should give up hope, especially once they see what such a crossover would entail.



Daredevil and Spider-Man in Comics

The first piece of artwork, from Jackson Caspersz Art’s Instagram, shows the two superheroes leaping across the New York City skyline in full costume, their mostly red outfits providing a stark contrast to the black sky. In live-action, this could look very awesome. The intertwining of Spidey’s webs and Daredevil’s whip is also particularly cool.

Renowned artist BossLogic also had his own unique and intriguing idea for the crossover, providing a glimpse of Spider-Man spotted in the reflection of a sidewalk puddle, while Murdock, identifiable by his shoes and white cane, stands by: this artwork doesn’t tease the two teaming up in any way, instead giving the whole scenario a darker, more ominous atmosphere – which is underlined by the caption “Spider in the kitchen”.

What do you think of the two artists’ work, and which is your favorite? Would you like to see Tom Holland’s Spider-Man and Charlie Cox’s Daredevil onscreen together in the MCU? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.


Picture of Leith Skilling

Leith Skilling

I'm a writer and blogger from Connecticut. My passions include the MCU and DCEU, the Wizarding World franchise, and anything having to do with Middle-earth.