
The Batman Reveals A New Closer Look at Riddler and Penguin

With The Batman only two months away, fans got a close look at The Riddler and Penguin.
the batman - penguin Gotham PD

With The Batman only two months away, fans got a close look at not only the costume of the Riddler but also well-known supervillain Oswald Cobblepot (AKA Penguin), played by Colin Farrell.

The two images that were released on Twitter by a user known as “One Take News” gave a clear look at both supervillains from costumes and appearances. For the Riddler’s part, his outfit is similar to how it was shown in the trailer, but the image revealed a full-body version of Paul Dano’s character. He appears to have a working jumpsuit with a mask and glasses, as well as a question mark engraved on his suit.


Riddler may not be the only one with a different appearance since Penguin has a new form instead of the comics where he is seen with his umbrella, top hat, and monocle. The Gotham Mobster is now looking more professional with only the tuxedo, and it’s been reported by that Farrell insisted on being Oz as a way for the character to be introduced in the film which is following the comic based.

More Focus On The Batman Characters

the batman - batcat

As the images give fans a clearer look at both characters, there’s also another set of images that shows a few scenes from the film – featuring not just Riddler and Penguin but also Robert Pattinson’s Batman and Zoe Kravitz’s Catwoman. Twitter user “SeriesUpdateFR” posted four photos containing different scenes. The first one reveals to be Kravitz and Pattinson’s character together while the second shows the Batman at the mortuary with a detective. The last two photos also show both Dano and Farrell in their villain form.

Farrell as Penguin looks unrecognizable in his plaid tuxedo thanks to a total transformation. As for the character itself, he’s a breath of fresh air since everyone is used to seeing him in the black-and-white tuxedo – whereas the new version resembles a mafia leader. Although Penguin did not appear in the first trailers, there could be a possibility of seeing him in the next trailer which we are going to have to wait and see. Also, as he is making his first appearance in the film it will be interesting to see his encounter with Bruce Wayne aka Batman.

The same goes for the Riddler, who is now portrayed as a scary-looking villain on a hunting spree instead of the classic outfit from the original comics. The character is known to be a criminal mastermind, and he certainly looks like a killer based on the outfit. As it was revealed in the trailer, the new version of Riddler has a darker side which he is known as a killer and with Dano portraying the character it makes him even eviler after hearing his voice. The Batman can be full of surprises including the villain’s which fans are looking forward to seeing what obstacles The Batman will face.

the batman - riddler

The Batman hits theaters on March 4, 2022. What do you guys think of Penguin and The Riddler’s forms? Who are you excited to see? Let us know in the comments and follow The Illuminerd’s social media page for more upcoming content.


Source: Twitter


Picture of Noemi Rodriguez

Noemi Rodriguez

I have a strong passion for the entertainment industry. I'm interested in films, television, theme parks, video games, and Hollywood lifestyle. I interviewed some power ranger actors and participated in podcasts for a network group I joined. From that experience, I learned how to be presentable behind the camera. Interesting fact about me is I not only have a Bolivian background but I also sing, dance, enjoy cosplay, vlog and go to comic conventions.