The 30th anniversary of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is quickly approaching, and with that comes new information on how Hasbro plans to celebrate this momentous occasion. The Illuminerdi can exclusively reveal that alongside the 30th anniversary season, there will be a reunion special that will reunite some of the original cast members of MMPR.
We previously reported that David Yost is returning for the 30th season of the show, and now he could be returning for this anniversary special as well. All other original cast members have been asked to return; however, we do not currently have information to share for who else will be returning.
It is also important to note in the story revealing David Yost’s return we reported that the 30th season would have 44-minute episodes. We have now learned that the 44-minute length only pertains to this special and not the season as a whole.
While select members of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers team have reunited in later seasons, this will be the first dedicated original MMPR reunion since Austin St. John, Walter Jones, and Thuy Trang left the show in 1994.
The 30th anniversary is expected to be the grand finale of the Power Rangers series that has been running since 1993. However, a reboot of the franchise is already being planned with Jonathan Entwistle at the helm. With Netflix being the new home for Power Rangers, the franchise will be entering a new era, for better or for worse.
Last Time on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers…

While it is clear that all of the original cast of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers have been asked to return, we are unable to share who will be signing on at this time. However, we can take a look at where each of the Rangers last left off since their departures from the show.
Starting with the original Red Ranger, Jason. In season 2, Jason left the team to go to a peace conference in Sweden; however, he returned to the team in Power Rangers Zeo as the new Gold Ranger. He was later saved by the Power Rangers in Turbo: A Power Rangers movie after he was kidnapped and brainwashed by the evil Divatox. He then returned along with ten other Red Rangers to take down the remnants of the Machine Empire in Power Rangers Wild Force. Most recently, he returned with other Dino Rangers to defeat Goldar Maximus in Power Rangers Beast Morphers.
Next is Zack, who, similar to Jason, left for the Peace Conference midway through the show’s second season. Zack has not returned to the show since other than in non-speaking roles where he only appears in costume.
Billy is the only of the original main five cast members to have appeared in every episode of the first three seasons of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. At the beginning of Power Rangers Zeo, Billy decided to give his Zeo Crystal to newcomer Tayna to take up a support role in the Command Center. Later he succumbed to accelerated aging due to a side effect age regenerator used to restore him to his proper age in Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers. He travels to the planet Aquitar for a cure but then falls in love with an Aquitian named Cestria and is never seen again other than in non-speaking roles where he only appears in costume.
Kimberly is another character who lasted throughout most of the show’s original three seasons. However, she left near the end of season three to become a full-time gymnast. Like Jason, she returned in Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie where she was kidnapped and saved by the Power Rangers.

Tommy Oliver joined the team shortly after the beginning of the first season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as the Green Ranger. In the second season, Tommy returned as the White Ranger and the new leader of the Power Rangers. In Power Rangers Zeo he became the Red Ranger and continued his leadership duties. In Power Rangers, Turbo Tommy’s team stepped down and passed the torch to a new generation of Rangers.
In Power Rangers Wild Force Tommy returned with Jason to take down the remnants of the Machine Empire. Tommy later became a teacher at Reefside High School and become the mentor to a new team of Rangers in Power Rangers Dino Thunder. He later became the Black Ranger of that team. He alongside the other Dino Thunder Rangers traveled to the future to help the SPD Rangers in the year 2025. When the Armada invaded Earth Tommy gathered every previous Power Ranger to take them down in Power Rangers Super Megaforce. Most recently Tommy helped take down Lord Draven in Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel.

Last is Trini who left for the Peace Conference with Jason and Zack in the second season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Trini never returned to the show as her actress, Thuy Trang, tragically died in a car accident in 2001. Her character’s legacy very well could be explored in the upcoming anniversary special, however. Stay tuned for more information regarding this coming soon.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (1993) stars Austin St. John as Jason / the Red Ranger, Thuy Trang as Trini / the Yellow Ranger, Walter Emanuel Jones as Zack / the Black Ranger, Amy Jo Johnson as Kimberly / the Pink Ranger, David Yost as Billy / the Blue Ranger, Jason David Frank as Tommy / the Green Ranger, Paul Schrier as Bulk, Jason Narvy as Skull, David Fielding as Zordon, Machiko Soga as Rita Repulsa, and Richard Genelle as Ernie.
What are your thoughts on the upcoming Mighty Morphin Power Rangers reunion special? Who do you hope returns for this special? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow The Illuminerdi on social media to be notified of more Power Rangers news and updates like this in the future!