Hyperforce Pink has been revealed as a skin for Dragon Armor Pink Ranger in Power Rangers Legacy Wars. This makes her the 3rd Ranger from Power Rangers Hyperforce to enter the Grid for the mobile game as part of the Power Pass. However, this misses a huge opportunity for the Ranger as there are significant consequences of choosing the Ranger as a skin rather than a full character for the roster. Here is a breakdown of the Ranger and key reasons why this was a missed opportunity.
Power Rangers Hyperforce includes a legendary cast of Rangers for the Table-top RPG series from HyperRPG. As the show was in a unique format, most of the content for the Rangers was never fully revealed as the story relied on oral story description, along with improvised acting that gave fans unique and epic moments that normally wouldn’t happen in a scripted show. Chloe Ashford, Hyperforce Pink, was played by Meghan Camarena (Strawburry17), who delivered a stellar performance highlighting the intense drama that occurred in the story.
Hyperforce Pink Skin Power Pass in Legacy Wars

It’s understandable why Hyperforce Pink was made as a skin for the Dragon Armour version of the MMPR Pink Ranger, mainly due to Camarena’s amazing performance as Kimberly for the Shattered Grid Live Reading Panel and for the Power Rangers: Battle of The Grid video game. The announcement was made on social media regarding the release of the Chloe Ashford Skin, which can be obtained by activating the Power Pass in the Corruption Zone for the game. Here is the announced tweet that shows the pink Pheonix Ranger skin for the playable character.
Activate your Power Pass to receive ✨Chloe Ashford Skin ✨ in the Corruption Zone! pic.twitter.com/LQM5gD4PIM
— Power Rangers: Legacy Wars (@PRLegacyWars) September 26, 2022
The previous Power Pass skin was for the Solar Red Ranger skin for the Red Space Ranger, which was a comic exclusive character from the Beyond The Grid event. The Hyperforce Pink Skin includes the Ranger with their personal weapon, the Hyperion Bow, while keeping the Dragon Dagger that the Dragon Armour Pink Ranger uses. As this Ranger is a skin for a pre-exciting character, it means that the Ranger can’t have their unique abilities and personalities highlighted, which includes what makes Hyperforce Pink so special.
Why Hyperforce Pink shouldn’t be a character skin

Chloe Ashford had a unique personality for being mischievous from the beginning and through the performance of Camarena, has brought many iconic and fantastic moments to Power Rangers Hyperforce. Her main abilities include an affinity for the wind element and her stealth, which allowed her to sneak and act silently. She also loves her burritos, which is frequently mentioned in the show with many comical moments featuring her favourite food.
Her love and use of burritos made the food a iconic mascot for the series, including a limited-run T-Shirt design. These are some of the highlights of the Ranger, which Kimberly didn’t possess as traits, so it’s a shame that these characteristics and traits won’t be used.
Like the other Hyperforce Rangers, the the Hyperion Bow could also change into another weapon, which was the the Hyperion Scythe. This was a unique weapon, which is also mentioned in the Shattered Grid Comics. This was the first time a Scythe has become a weapon featured in Power Rangers, making it a unique personal weapon. However, the biggest difference that Hyperforce Pink has to the other Rangers is that she also had her own armour mode. This is difference compared to most shows as only the Red Rangers obtained this type of power-up mode.

The Pink Battle Warrior mode is a Battlizer armour that the Pink Ranger gained when she was given the Pink Power Gem. Named in reference to the battle warrior mode for the Red Time Force Ranger, Chloe was given the power-up by King Arthur and Lady Guinevere from the medieval times in Episode 11. This incredible armour is the main reason why Chloe Ashford shouldn’t be a skin, as this was a massively missed opportunity to bring the Pink Battle Warrior to life for the first time as the in-game super mode seen for various Rangers, as art for this mode was never released.
Skin aside, its still fantastic that Hyperforce Pink has been added to the game, especially just as Vesper, Hyperforce Black, has been added. Fans of the series now only have three more Rangers left to wait for, including the Red, Blue, and 6th Ranger. Hopefully it won’t be long until the remaining Rangers are added to the game, but there is also two more Rangers that could be added in the future. This is Hyperforce exclusives, Time Force Silver and Lina Song, SPD Green.
Time Force Silver was the 6th Green Ranger of Hyperforce, played by Yoshi Sudarso, that existed before his powers were destroyed. Lina Song was an additional character played by Game Master Malika Lim Eubank, who become the SPD Blue Ranger as seen in the Soul Of The Dragon comic book.
The fact another Hyperforce Ranger has been added just after Vesper has debuted has started to make fans wonder if they will be seeing more Hyperforce soon. This is mainly due to the Hasbro Pulse Con 2022 that will happen on Friday, which has Andre Meadows as the guest host for the Power Rangers panel. Meadows played as Eddie Banks, the Hyperforce Blue Ranger, for the TTRPG series.
Melissa Flores will also be part of the panel, who played a big part in making Hyperforce happen and is now a writer for the Power Rangers comics after Ryan Parrott. This is making fans hoping to see if Power Rangers Hyperforce will be a part of the new releases, but this will all depend on what Hasbro have planned.

Chloe Ashford, Hyperforce Pink, Skin is now available via the Power Pass on Power Rangers Legacy Wars. This will only be available for a limited time so make sure to activate the Power Pass while the event is still active.
Hasbro Pulse Con 2022 will be held on 30th of September, this Friday. The event will be a two-day event with many franchises holding panels, including the Power Rangers panel that starts at 2:15 pm ET. For more information regarding the event, check out the Hasbro Pulse website using the following link.

What do you think of the Hyperforce Pink skin? Do you think this is a missed opportunity in Power Rangers Legacy Wars? Are there any announcements you are hoping for during Hasbro Pulse Con 2022? Let us know on social media, or in the comments below, and keep following The Illuminerdi for more Power Rangers content.