The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 1995 movie communicators have been replicated by Starlight Studios, allowing fans of the movie to obtain the item. The Communicator was redesigned for the movie but was often seen as an obscure addition. Starlight Studios have perfectly recreated the 95’ movie device in all 6 colors, plus a green Ranger version that was never seen before. This also allows fans to use these items for cosplay and as collectible items that have never been given an official release.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie was the first film released for the Power Rangers franchise due to its early success and popularity. The film uses content from all Mighty Morphin Power Rangers seasons, which adapted and redesigned features in Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger, Gosei Sentai Dairanger, and Ninja Sentai Kakuranger. Although it features the 6 Rangers and cast members from the 2nd part of season 2, it is set in a different continuity as the same ‘ninjetti’ concept is a change for the TV show’s 3rd season.
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Starlight Studios is an online store specializing in creating the best quality props featured in various franchises. They have served fandoms of various shows since 2007, with some of their most iconic items including the Ranger Power Coins featured in both the comics, video games, and anniversary specials that were never released by Saban. Aside from the MMPR team, they have also created items from shows such as Power Rangers Dino Charge, Sailor Moon, and VR Troopers.

The ‘95 Movie Communicators replicated by Starlight Studios

Starlight Studios has perfectly recreated the communication and teleportation gadget seen in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie. Although there are only a few close-up images found of the movie version Communicators, they have managed to find all the source material needed to make these props for fans to obtain. From White to Pink, all 6 Ranger colors are available for the ‘95 communicator, plus have also created an original green version for fans.
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The detail and the recreation of the movie communicators prove how talented the Starlight Studios team is. It is curious that the version variants were never released considering the popularity of the movie and how much work may have gone into redesigning them back in 1995. Starlight Studios have such perfectly replicated props that even TV shows and commercials have used their work. They are so perfectly designed that it would be a waste to miss this opportunity and it would be amazing if this version of the communicator could be used again in the future.
The variants available from Starlight Studios include Red, Blue, Black, Yellow, Pink, and white. All 6 were seen in the movie but were not a highlighted addition to the show. The green Ranger version is not canon to the movie but was created to represent the Green Ranger in the continuity of the movie took place in. Here are close images of the ‘95 movie version of the communicators highlighting their details.

The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers ‘95 movie communicator props are currently available to purchase from Starlight Studios. These are not official merchandise released by the brand but fandom-made products for an iconic past release. They are sold individually and available as a complete set, with each communicator for $62 per item on eBay and coming to the Etsy store soon. To get your movie communicator prop, use the following link.

What do you think of the ‘95 movie communicator? Are you a fan of Starlight Studios’ props? What else would you like to see recreated from the Power Rangers franchise? Let us know on social media, or in the comments below, and keep following The Illuminerdi for more Power Rangers content.
Source: Starlight Studios
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